Here's a question I've been asking for decades: Why would anyone play a wrestling videogame? Sure, there's the appeal of playing as someone such as The Rock and Sheamus, or, in the case of W2K14, Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. But since videogames offer infinite possibility, isn't it preferable to play a fantastical beat-'em-up such asTekken or Street Fighter? Playing a combat game as sluggish, mortal and sometimes overweight men would be fine if W2K14 had more craft. The impact detection is imprecise, the special moves are introduced at seemingly arbitrary moments (as opposed to being created by pressing the right buttons at the right time), and the graphics lack polish, especially for a game so late in this console's lifespan. Fans of different generations will relish the idea of recreating classic matches from the past 30 years, but this game is strictly for wrestlemaniacs.