Web Log: A TED taxonomy of haters

Social justice comedian Negin Farsad tackles ignorant bigots in TED talk

As social justice comedian Farsad explains, these haters aren’t committed enough to get out of the car and say it to your face

In a wonderfully entertaining TED talk on the prejudices she encounters on a daily basis as an American-Iranian Muslim, Negin Farsad singles out and explains the various haters that comprise a small but irritatingly loud segment of the public.

The first kind are trolls or digital haters who, as she puts it, "are the kind of people who quit their jobs so they can post on YouTube videos all day long".

Then there’s the drive-by haters who wait until the traffic lights are green before they roll their window down and yell “go back to your own country”.

As social justice comedian Farsad explains, these haters aren’t committed enough to get out of the car and say it to your face.


Her TED talk and stand-up routines are a platform where she gets to tackle ignorant bigots and diffuse the power of their mindless hatred while getting lots of laughs.

http://www.ted.com/talks/negin_farsad_a_highly_scientific_taxonomy_of_hatersOpens in new window ]