Web Log: Clip and share Audible audiobook passages

App lets users share up to 45 seconds of audio from a title they are listening to

David Mitchell: comedian is among the stars who are voicing audiobooks

When you think of viral content, it’s usually in the form of GIFs, static images or listicles; audio clips don’t seem to lend themselves to that instantly shareable landscape. This is partially because there are not many ways to share small chunks of audio but Audible is trying to change this with a new feature called Clips.

Clips is designed to make it easy to share what you’re listening to with your friends, in the hope – from Audible’s perspective – that they too, will be inspired to download the same book. It allows users of the Audible app to instantly clip up to 45 seconds of audio from a title they’re listening to and share it across social media.

With so many books being narrated by celebrities and public figures, it is tempting to share choice quotes voiced by everyone from comedian David Mitchell to, um, well, the author David Mitchell.
