Web Log: Create Twitter textshots with Cite

Cite creates a readymade tweet with quotation, source, headline and URL

Cite is a great way to tweet quotations as an image with the source embedded

Isn’t brevity the soul of wit? If so, then I’m still okay with Twitter’s restriction of 140 characters or fewer. As it stands, social media is already packed with droning windbags so best keep it brief. There’s only one problem. When I’m cutting and pasting a particularly juicy sentence from a story I want to share with my followers, it leaves little room for my (ahem) pearls of wisdom.

That’s why one of my favourite apps right now is Cite, a great way to tweet quotations as an image with the source embedded. As you’re reading inside Safari, highlight the text you want, then share via Cite. It creates a readymade tweet complete with quotation, source, headline and the URL. A simple but effective way of creating shareable pull quotes with a visual impact.
