Web Log: DeepDrumpf is making Twitter great again

DeepDrumpf is a deep learning algorithm that has analysed many of Trump’s speeches and debates

DeepDrumpf: can approximate Donald Trump’s style of speech

By now, most of us have watched British comedian and talk show host John Oliver's spectacular takedown of Republican candidate and "short-fingered vulgarian" Donald Trump on HBO show Last Week Tonight.

This episode has gone viral, in part due to Oliver's call to "make Donald Drumpf again" – a reference to the family name of Trump's ancestors.

The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT has gone one better and created an AI entity called DeepDrumpf, unleashing it on Twitter.

DeepDrumpf is a deep learning algorithm that has analysed many of Trump’s speeches and debates, and can now approximate his style of speech.


For example: “Okay, it’s amazing right now with ISIS, I tell you what? I don’t want them to vote, the worst very social people. I love me.”

Sounds legit.
