Web Log: Emma Watson shares her feminist book club

Actor invites booklovers to join her in reading Gloria Steinem’s ‘My Life on the Road’

Emma Watson has created an online feminist book club called Our Shared Shelf

Post-Harry Potter, actor Emma Watson has shown herself to be intelligent, articulate and a champion for women's rights.

Already a goodwill ambassador for UN Women and a spokeswoman for gender equality campaign HeForShe, Watson has also created an online feminist book club called Our Shared Shelf.

The book club is hosted on social booklover’s site Goodreads and already has more than 95,000 members.

Watson has chosen American feminist Gloria Steinem's memoir, My Life on the Road, as the first book and there's still time to join in and read it by January 31st.


Before you think or say nasty things about feminists, I'll leave you with a Tumblr post from actor Mark Ruffalo for those who, as he says, "ignorantly spit on the sacred struggle of the past 200 years: "Kiss my ass, you ignorant little jerks."
