Web Log: Free project management tool for Office 365 users

The clincher for businesses running on Microsoft services is integration with Outlook, OneNote, SharePoint

Planner will appear as a new tile inside the 365 app

If you and your company are already invested in the Microsoft Office suite, Planner could be the perfect project management tool. Launching today across all Office 365 subscription plans including Education and Premium, Planner is free and will appear as a new tile inside the 365 app. Much like Trello, Planner is aimed at businesses, schools or any organisation looking to manage a team project: it's straight forward enough to organise and track tasks, share files, integrate email notifications and generally keep the project manager from tearing their hair out.

The visual dashboards (progress charts and boards with pinned tasks and other items) make for a quick overview at a glance. The clincher for businesses running on Microsoft services is integration with Outlook, OneNote, SharePoint, etc. No prizes for guessing what the company is doing with its acquisitions of Wunderlist, Yammer, and the Sunrise calendar app then.

https://blogs.office.com/2016/06/06/microsoft-planner-ready-for-showtime/Opens in new window ]