Web Log: Get in the zone with timeboxing app

Technique allots certain amount of time to each activity in your work day

Timeboxing: time-management technique

In case you haven’t heard of timeboxing, it’s a time-management technique where a certain amount of time is allotted to each activity in your work day. For those of us who tend to linger longer on our inboxes or surf slowly through social media timelines, it can help move you along to the next task at hand.

Zonebox is a simple Mac app for this purpose: you add a task and the allotted time and work your way through the list. As the app runs in the background a progress bar sits under the dock so as to keep an eye on your time while being as unobtrusive as possible.

This app can also be used to do real-world tasks such as reading a book or going through bills; going full screen displays a countdown pie chart and an alert sounds when it’s done. While there are several time-tracking apps out there, Zonebox is uncomplicated and gets the job done.

http://rinik.net/zonebox/Opens in new window ]