Web Log: Keep ahead of data breaches

A quick search on HaveIBeenPwned.com for your email addresses or usernames will return a list of all compromised sites that may have resulted in the exposure of your personal details

Most of us have a (possibly infrequently used) LinkedIn account but how many of us changed our passwords in May when it emerged that a massive data breach occurred, resulting in the exposure of 164 million email addresses and passwords?

This data came from a 2012 hacking but didn’t turn up for sale on a dark market site until four years later. Have you still got the same password from 2012? Do you use it for other websites?

The first thing you should do, obviously, is change all your passwords – perhaps use a password manager. The second thing to do is go to HaveIBeenPwned.com, developed by security expert Troy Hunt.

A quick search on this website for your email addresses or usernames will return a list of all compromised sites that may have resulted in the exposure of your personal details.


The results may surprise you so be prepared for future breaches by subscribing to the website’s notification service that automatically lets you know if your details may have been compromised.

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