Web Log: Microsoft’s Hub Keyboard comes to iOS

The keyboard takes a few moments to appear on screen and it keeps changing back to the default iOS keyboard

Hub Keyboard: started life as a project from Microsoft Garage

As a regular user of Word and OneNote, I can see the appeal of a keyboard designed to bring Microsoft products together inside whatever app you're using. Hub Keyboard, which started life as a project from Microsoft Garage, pulls in recently copied text, contacts, and links to OneDrive documents once you sign into your Office365 account.

This sounds great but the experience is still quite buggy. The keyboard takes a few moments to appear on screen and it keeps changing back to the default iOS keyboard. I liked the autocomplete feature courtesy of SwiftKey (acquired by Microsoft earlier this year) and this is enough to make me consider switching keyboards but the kinks will have to be ironed out first; no one wants to wait five seconds before the keyboard finally pops up.

https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/hub-keyboard/id1096760900?mt=8Opens in new window ]