Web Log: Stephen Hawking meets Mortal Kombat in new game

Science Kombat is a browser-based game that is charming, fun and vaguely educational

Stephen Hawking duels with Albert Einstein in Science Kombat, a new web-based game by Brazilian magazine Superinteressante and Pixel Art animations

Finally, a game for Mortal Kombat fans who also love science! This retro-styled beat 'em up complete with 8-bit soundtrack is a homage to Mortal Kombat that sees notable scientists including Einstein and Tesla beat the tar out of each other. You haven't lived until you've seen Stephen Hawking swotting Marie Curie over the head with his text-to-speech interface.

Science Kombat is a browser-based game developed by Brazilian magazine Superinteressante and made by Pixel Art animations and they've clearly put a lot of thought into it. Each scientist's special move is unique to them: Darwin evolves from a primate to a caveman to deliver his blow; Hawking travels through a wormhole only to emerge in front of his opponent; Einstein travels faster than the speed of light; Newton summons an apple that falls on the opponent's head. Charming, fun, and vaguely educational.
