Telecom barriers criticised

Europe's telecommunications market, due to be opened to full competition on January 1st, is still riddled with barriers to newcomers…

Europe's telecommunications market, due to be opened to full competition on January 1st, is still riddled with barriers to newcomers who challenge the traditional monopolies, said a study released yesterday.

The study, commissioned by US mobile phone company AirTouch Communications and the pan-European telecoms joint venture, Unisource, cites problems in areas including licensing, network connections and frequencies.

Mr Bert de Ruiter, Unisource vice-president for strategy, government and inter-company relations told a telecommunications conference that differences in the way national governments were implementing the EU's liberalisation plan created a "real danger of fragmentation and chaos".

The study concluded that the EU should set up a new body within the next year to offer recourse to companies with complaints.