Telecom dominates market interest

Just when you thought the fuss was all over, the issuing of share certificates to the 570,000 odd new private investors in Telecom…

Just when you thought the fuss was all over, the issuing of share certificates to the 570,000 odd new private investors in Telecom Eireann from Wednesday ensures the group's lingering debut on the stock markets will continue to be the focus of attention this week.

Apart from interest in how many investors will opt to sell their shares , possibly saturating the market temporarily and driving the price down, there is also the issue of financial institutions chasing the cash that such sales will yield.

In addition, there is all the money belonging to investors who failed to secure as much of a stake in Telecom as they had envisaged.



Results: Ashtead Group, Border TV (H1), Fletcher King, Oriental Restaurant Group, Tomkins.

A.G.M.: Artisan (UK), Edinburgh Investment Trust.

Indicators: Irish industrial production (May); British producer prices index (Jun); German industrial production (May).

Others: Irish Association of Investment Managers on private investment in the post-Telecom market.


Results: Aberforth Smaller Companies (H1), Batleys, Capital and Regional Properties (H1), Ellis and Everard, Gartmore British (H1), HP Bulmer Holdings.

A.G.M.: British Airways, Plysu, Safeway.

Indicators: Irish consumer prices (Jun); British retail prices (Jun).


Results: Scot American Investments (H1), Xaar (H1).

A.G.M.: Crean Land Securities, New Look, Christian Salvesan.

Indicators: Irish non-EU trade (Apr); British unemployment (Jun); US producer price index (Jun) and retail sales (Jun); German ifo business sentiment survey (Jun).

Others: Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association annual general meeting (Radisson Hotel, Dublin); Taoiseach, Mr Ahern introduces the National Centre for Partnership training materials for use in joint union/ management training (Dublin Castle).


Results: Bullough (H1), International Greetings, Stanley Leisure.

A.G.M.: Airsrpung Furniture (e.g.m.), Ashquay Group, BCO (e.g.m.), Bowthorpe (e.g.m.), British Energy, Dairy Crest, Delancey Estates, Lawrie Group, Swallow Group (e.g.m.).

Meetings: European Central Bank governing council meeting.

Indicators: US consumer prices (Jun) and business inventories (May).

Others: Spirit of San Jose Award to honour Silicon Valley links (Dublin Corporation Civic Offices); Government bond auction.


Results: Computerland, Energy Technique.

A.G.M.: Bioglan Pharma (e.g.m.), Blacks Leisure, Charles Stanley, Edinburgh Income Trust, Fairbriar, Powell Duffryn, Stagecoach.

Indicators: Irish industrial employment (Sep); British public sector borrowing requirement (Jun); US industrial production (Jun).