The electronic German shepherd

Are you man enough to keep a large, vicious, guard dog in your small suburban home? Even if you are, wouldn't you rather keep…

Are you man enough to keep a large, vicious, guard dog in your small suburban home? Even if you are, wouldn't you rather keep your dog's capacity to discourage burglars without actually having to walk, feed, or live with the animal? Now you can - with the electronic Alsatian.

According to the manufacturers, the alarm system uses police radar technology to "see" through walls and windows, and determine how near an approaching person has come. The machine covers a six metre by 30 metre range, and so can be left pointed at most rooms or entrances. When an "intruder" gets within six metres, the dog begins growling and snarling. The closer the "thief" gets, the more frequent and menacing the barking. As the "robber" backs away in terror, the barking subsides.

Another advantage for the homeowner is that the electronic Alsatian has to date never savaged a postman. The Electronic German Shepherd, $100 (around 84.76), is available from Gadget Man on 00 1 609 499-8199 or at