Timber supply crisis, Coca-Cola’s €13m investment, and Irish pub owners abroad

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Declan Crean who owns the Scholars Lounge in Rome. ‘People over here don’t have the same fears as they seem to have in Ireland,’ he says. Photograph supplied by Declan Crean.

A crisis in supplies of timber, has left the Republic short of timber needed to build new homes, industry figures warn. Barry O'Halloran reports.

Coca-Cola Ireland and its local bottling division say a €13 million investment in an Antrim factory has helped to reduce Coke's annual Irish plastic waste by 5,000 tonnes since 2019. Mark Paul has the details.

Innovu, the private equity-backed insurance brokers group, has acquired Goggin Insurance Brokers in Munster for an undisclosed amount, as consolidation of this fragmented part of financial services continues apace, writes Joe Brennan.

In our Agenda feature,Mark Paul speaks to a number of Irish pub owners abroad about their experiences in the pandemic and their view on the latest delay by the Government in opening indoor hospitality back home.


It took just a decade for Irishman Declan Kelly and Doug Band from the US to build Teneo into a major global CEO advisory firm but just six months for it all to unravel. In a major article, a team of reporters at the Financial Times explain the background to their departures from the firm.

In Caveat, Mark Paul says businesses in the hospitality sector will suffer most if Nphet's gloomy forecasts on the impact of the Delta variant are wrong.

In his weekly column, John FitzGerald says higher taxes on cars using fossil fuels might be the only way to drive a switch to electric vehicles here.

Ireland has yet to sign up to an outline plan from the OECD on a global corporate tax deal but, as Cliff Taylor explains, it will be hard for Paschal Donohoe to remain outside the tent if the US is on board.

In our Wild Geese feature, Dublin lawyer Donal Griffin explains to Joanne Hunt how he helps clients in Australia with 'pre-nups for families'.

In World of Work, Olive Keogh details how career inertia has become a side effect of the pandemic for many employees.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times