Time is right to pack a calculator

Now is a good time to carry a calculator around with you, as the Consumers' Association of Ireland (CAI) is looking for evidence…

Now is a good time to carry a calculator around with you, as the Consumers' Association of Ireland (CAI) is looking for evidence of euro conversion rip-offs. CAI chairman Mr Dermott Jewell stated that it was entirely unacceptable that any retailer use the changeover to make profit, either by rounding up their prices or by incorrect application of the fixed euro-pound rate of 0.787564.

"We are asking consumers to check their receipts and use their calculators. If they see an error, we are asking them to tip us off so that we can have the matter investigated."

The CAI is asking for evidence to be sent to its offices at 45 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, and to cai@consumersassociation.ie or by fax to 01-6612464. It has received Department of Finance Funding for the Tip-Offs of Rip-Offs campaign.