Demand for workers in tourism industry up 7% in four years

Data analysis by recruitment website Indeed shows shortage of labour in the industry

The Cliffs of Moher on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, which is one of the State’s biggest tourist attractions.

Demand for workers in the tourism industry in the Republic has increased by 7 per cent in the past four years, according to data analysis by recruitment website Indeed.

The data gathered by the world’s largest job site points to a buoyant jobs market in the Irish tourism industry.

Job postings which mentioned tourism or hospitality in their titles had the highest share of total postings in the Republic, outstripping other European countries examined, such as the UK, Italy and Germany.

Publishing the data to celebrate UN World Tourism Day, Indeed examined at proprietary data from the past four years across a number of countries, including the Republic, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Italy.


The data shows demand for workers in the tourism industry in the Republic has increased by 7 per cent in the past four years, accounting for 8,056 job postings per million in 2019, up from 6,547 job postings per million in 2016.

Indeed said the challenge for the sector is that despite a large increase in people searching for roles in the Irish tourism sector – up 18 per cent in the past four years – the industry is still beset by shortages of skilled labour.

The number of job postings in the area is currently 21 per cent higher than the number of searches, and as the State approaches full employment, it may become “increasingly difficult” to fill these roles.

Indeed economist Pawel Adrjan said: “Despite increasing demand for staff in the tourism sector, there remains the danger that growth will be constrained by the challenge of hiring people with the appropriate skills.

“Tourism is one of Ireland’s largest indigenous industries, and with a focus on diversification and new market openings in the coming months and years, it’s likely to continue to be a substantial employer.

“Tourism accounts for one in 10 jobs worldwide and its labour-intensive nature makes it a major source of employment.

“It also tends to have a significant multiplier effect on employment in related sectors. More disposable income, cheaper travel and easier online bookings have helped to drive increases in tourism worldwide.”

This data comes as the Irish tourism industry faces a potentially challenging time in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

Earlier this month, Fáilte Ireland estimated that at least 10,000 jobs would be lost in the tourism sector, with a UK crash out from the EU potentially leading to the loss of more than one million British tourists per annum.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter