Ryanair to open Bucharest base

Airline to add services to Athens andTimisoara

Ryanair will fly 90 times a-week from Bucharest Airport to a range of destinations that will also include Bologna, London, Madrid and Rome and plans to carry an estimated 1.4 million passengers a-year to and from there.

Ryanair plans to open a new base at Bucharest Airport from next October from where three aircraft will operate.

The Irish airline said that it will operate new services from the Romanian capital to Athens and Timisoara (in western Romania) and increase flights to Brussels, Dublin and Milan.

Overall, Ryanair will fly 90 times a-week from the airport to a range of destinations that will also include Bologna, London, Madrid and Rome and plans to carry an estimated 1.4 million passengers a-year to and from there.

Chief executive, Michael O’Leary, said that the airlines’ plans would support 1,000 jobs at the airport. Bucharest will be Ryanair’s 81st base.