Turning back the clock

Hopes for a return to stability in Russia and the Far East received mixed signals at the weekend

Hopes for a return to stability in Russia and the Far East received mixed signals at the weekend. In Japan, it appears the government has finally been forced by opposition parties to act decisively to end the bad loan nightmare which has crippled its banking system. Though only a first step, it might be the start of a new realism among Japan's political elite about the need to address the issues which plague its economy.

Russia, on the other hand, appears to have turned back the clock with the new Prime Minister, Mr Yevgeny Primakov and his economic ministers and advisers stating their intention to reinstitute state controls in certain areas of the economy - a move that flies in the face of pressure from the IMF and others to liberalise its economic institutions and policies. It is hard to see what room Russia has to retry a failed system and international markets are unlikely to react favourably, further damaging the country's economic prospects.

Powerscreen: Powerscreen finally publishes its full-year results tomorrow when investors will be looking for signs that a line has been drawn under the troubles it experienced earlier this year.

Shares have dived since accounting irregularities were discovered at its Matbro subsidiary, prompting the departure of three senior executives.


It warned the problems would result in a £46.7 million charge against profits, and braced investors for a loss of £65 million sterling.


Results: Avocet Mining, Arcon, Bemrose Corporation (H1), Cairngorm Demutalisation, Caldwell Invs (H1), Eurotunnel (H1), IS Solutions (H1), Mayborn Group (H1), PizzaExpress, Policy Master (H1), Rage Software, Roxboro (H1), Taylor Nelson Sofres (H1), Vanguard Medica (H1), Wellington Holdings (H1).

A.G.M.: Anglo & Overseas (e.g.m.), Boustead, Drew Scientific, Farepak, Govett Oriental (e.g.m.), Murray Smaller Market.

Indicators: Italian GDP (Q2).

Others: Intel Corporation chairman Craig Barrett presents 1999 outlook (Paris).


Results: Aquarius Group (H1), Benchmark Group, Breedon (H1), Crestacare (H1), Eni (H1), French Connection (H1), Gyrus Group, ICM Computer Group, Metalrax Group (H1), Oxford Glycosciences (H1), Powerscreen International, Sytner Group (H1), Tesco (H1), Tudor (H1).

A.G.M.: Park Food Group, Wilshaw.

Indicators: Japanese leading indicators (Jul) and coincidental indicators (Jul); US federal budget (Aug); French trade balance (Jul).

Others: European Central Bank President, Mr Wim Duisenberg addresses European Parliament's sub-committee on monetary affairs (Brussels - to Wed).


Results: Avis Europe (H1), Barratt Developments, Biocompatibles International (H1), Brake Brothers (H1), Dawson International (H1), Densitron Intl (H1), Kier Group, McBride, Northamber, Quality Software (H1), Ryan Hotels (H1), Schoder Ventures, Silentnight Holdings (H1), Sun Life & Provin- cial (H1).

A.G.M.: Sidney C Banks, British Biotech, Central European Inv (e.g.m.), Courtaulds, Jaques Vert (also e.g.m.), Microfocus (e.g.m.).

Meetings: Institute of Business Analysts seminar on Management in the 21st Century (UCD).

Indicators: German consumer prices (Sep), producer prices (Aug) and consumer sentiment (Aug).

Others: World Bank presents 1998 annual report (Paris).


Results: Bull (H1), Chiroscience Group (H1), Diageo, Hewden Stuart (H1), LVMH (H1), Norcor Holdings (H1), Vision Group.

A.G.M.: Aim Group, Angerstein Underwriting (e.g.m.), Henderson Electric, Medisys (e.g.m.), Scudder Latin Am, Eliza Tinsley.

Meetings: European Union single market ministers meet (Brussels); to Fri); Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrialised nations plus Russia meet (New York).

Indicators: Irish agricultural price indices (Jul) and retail sales index (Jul); British GDP (Q2), current balance (Q2) and CBI monthly trends survey; US GDP (Q2), durable goods (Aug), help wanted (Aug), implicit deflator (Q2) and weekly jobs and monetary data; French consumer spending (Jul & Aug).

Others: North Dublin Development Conference (DCU).


Results: Cox Insurance (H1), Western Selection (H1).

A.G.M.: Henderson Smaller, Tomkins.

Meetings: European Union economic and finance ministers hold informal meeting (Vienna to Sun); Department of Public Enterprise half-day conference on sustainable energy (Glenview Hotel, Glen of the Downs).

Indicators: US personal income/spending (Aug) and existing home sales (Aug); French consumer prices (Aug); Italian unemployment (Jul).