Tuskar seeks Nigeria partner

The oil exploration company, Tuskar Resources plc, is looking for a partner to buy into its OML 110 concession, off the shores…

The oil exploration company, Tuskar Resources plc, is looking for a partner to buy into its OML 110 concession, off the shores Nigeria. According to the company the deeper water section of the concession has the potential for 500 million barrels, in addition to the probable reserves of 15 million barrels in the smaller Obe field, also situated in the OML concession.

Yesterday the company announced its half-year interim results which showed a pre-tax loss of £634,00 for the year ended, 30th September, 1997.

According to managing director, Mr Emmet K Brown, the company intends to grow by utilising "existing exploration opportunities, supplemented by carefully selected acquisitions".

The company has announced the appointment of Mr Arve Johnsen as non-executive director to the board.


Mr Johnsen is a former president and chief executive of Statoil and is a director of several companies.