US treasury leaks, social housing fund, and Bank of Ireland’s €1m for artists

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Bank of Ireland group chief executive Francesca McDonagh pictured with Andrew Hetherington, chief executive of Business to Arts, at the launch of a new €1 million fund to support artists and arts projects over the next two years. Photograph: Robbie Reynolds

An unprecedented glimpse into the staggering amounts of suspect money that flow through the international banking system is revealed in leaked files from an agency of the US Department of the Treasury that have been seen by The Irish Times. Colm Keena has the details, which includes a link to a company with an address in Dublin.

A fund dedicated to the provision of social housing has refinanced its portfolio with AIB to secure funding of €30 million that will help it acquire about 100 homes. Peter Hamilton has the details.

Bank of Ireland has committed to provide €1 million over the next two years to support artists and arts projects across the island. Ciarán Hancock reports.

Supermac's owner Pat McDonagh is planning on expanding his plaza fuel group with an application for planning permission to build his eighth premises at Ennis, Co Clare, at a cost of €10 million. Peter Hamilton has the details.


The Government is being urged to introduce changes in Budget 2021 to make it easier for private investors to back early-stage companies, according to Charlie Taylor.

More than €12 million has been channelled through the bank accounts of Irish people this year as part of complex scam operations, according to figures from the Banking & Payments Federation Ireland. Conor Pope reports.

A data privacy advocate has submitted a dossier to the State's Data Protection Commission outlining further examples of alleged data breaches by Google, which he first raised with the watchdog two years ago. Jack Power has the details.

In her weekly take on work, Pilita Clark outlines why hybrid working will spell trouble for companies.

In our Opinion piece, MSD chief executive Ger Brennan says next month's budget offers the State an opportunity to fund crucial new medicines, many of which are actually made here.

In his column, Chris Johns says the economic fallout for the Irish economy next year could be profound given the combination of Covid-19 and Brexit.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times