Watching Greenspan

It's a quiet week for economic data and, with news relatively quiet on the corporate front also, attention will focus on a speech…

It's a quiet week for economic data and, with news relatively quiet on the corporate front also, attention will focus on a speech by Federal Reserve chairman Mr Alan Greenspan to the Economic Club of New York. Recent statements from the Fed cast doubt on the likelihood of a second-half recovery and Mr Greenspan's words will be carefully weighed.


Results: API Group (H1), Cambridge Antibody Tech (H1), Care UK (H1), Countryside Properties (H1), Fountains (H1), Holidaybreak (H1), ISS (Q1), RM (H1), Robert Wiseman Dairies, Torotrak, Toys 'R' Us (Q1), Treatt (H1).

A.G.M.: Aventis, Dunloe Ewart (e.g.m.), Gladstone (e.g.m.), GlaxoSmithKline, Hugo Boss, Intermediate Capital, Lagardere, UA Group.


Indicators: British trade balance (Mar), public sector borrowing requirement (Apr) and M4 data (Apr); Italian industrial sales/orders (Mar).

Others: OECD publishes economic survey of Ireland; Launch of sales confidence index.


Results: Abacus Group (H1), British Airways, Compass Group (H1), Computer Associates, EMI, Enodis (H1), Finnair (Q1), Grantchester Holdings (H1), GWR Group, HypoVereinsbank (Q1), ING (Q1), Intercede Group, VA Linux (Q3), Marks & Spencer, MAN (Q1), National Grid, Paragon (H1), South Staffordshire Group.

A.G.M.: Assidoman, Bic, Fidelity European, HypoVereinsbank, Kidde, Metalrax, New Fulcrum IT (e.g.m.), Plantation & General, Quester VCT, Sanofi, Swatch, Wella.

Meetings: Lucent seminar on Internet Protocols (Radisson Hotel, Dublin); Chambers of Commerce of Ireland conference on telecommunications; IMI leadership and motivation course (to Wed).

Indicators: French consumer spending (Apr); German consumer prices (May), import prices (Apr) and Ifo business survey (Apr).

Others: Coillte publishes annual report; Launch of Commission for Aviation Regulation; IBEC unveils new information and communications technology group ICT Ireland.


Results: Allders (H1), Aortech International, Brockhampton Holdings, Cadcentre Group, Credit Lyonnais (Q1), Deutsche Telekom (Q1), Imagination Tech Group, IQE (Q1), Land Securities, Merrydown.

A.G.M.: Amazon, AT&T Corp, ASW Holdings, Glanbia, ICI, IDM Telecom (e.g.m.), Kenmare Resources, Kingfisher, Marshalls, MFI, Moulinex, Newport Holdings, Panther Securities.

Meetings: European Central Bank governing council meets; Irish Retail Convention (RDS, Dublin to Thurs).

Indicators: EMU foreign trade (Mar); French consumer prices (Apr) and GDP (Q1); German producer prices (Apr); Italian EU trade (Mar) and non-EU trade (Apr).


Results: Alterian, Barlo, Bass (H1), Carlton Communications (H1), Findel, Howle Holdings (H1), Medisys (H1), Mothercare, Railtrack, Scapa Group, United Utilities, Zetters.

A.G.M.: AFA Systems, Austin Reed, BFS Absolute RTN Trust, Britax, F&C Enterprise Trust, Folkes Group, International Energy, Kingspan, Meggitt, Portland, Sherry FitzGerald, Media & Income Trust (e.g.m.), Wellington Holdings.

Meetings: ISME annual conference (Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone); Irish Legal Metrology Service hosts WELMEC meeting (Grand Hotel, Malahide to Friday).

Indicators: British CBI industrial trends survey (May); Italian consumer confidence (May).

Others: Ascension Day holiday throughout most of continental Europe; Pricewaterhouse Coopers publishes annual technology forecast.


Results: Airtours, Castings.

A.G.M.: Boot (Henry), BWA Group (e.g.m.), Enel (plus e.g.m.), Garton Engineering, Hilton Group, HSBC Holdings, IS Solutions, iTouch, Johnston Group, Portmeirion Group, Stoddart.


Indicators: EMU M3 data (Apr); Irish retail sales (Mar); British GDP (Q1); US GDP (Q1), existing home sales (Apr) and durable goods orders (Apr)