Web Log: Facebook tinkers with News Feed algorithm

Facebook engineers are taking into account the relevance of stories that we may not like, share or comment on

News Feed: promises to be more diverse

It's that time of the year again, when Facebook tweaks its News Feed algorithm. This new tweak promises more relevant stories based on two significant changes. First, Facebook engineers are taking into account the relevance of stories that we may not like, share or comment on but that are nonetheless important to us: serious or tragic current events, or sad news from friends or family.

The new, improved algorithm will take into account time spent pausing to read these stores, regardless of clicking through to them.

The News Feed also promises to be more diverse. For those of us tired of seeing a glut of posts from the same source, we should now be treated to a more varied feed from a wider ranger of publishers.

Facebook, can you also add a slider to choose how often we get exposed to cat, dog and baby photos/videos?


And an option to filter out all posts containing “#blessed”.

newsroom.fb.com/news/2016/04/news-feed-fyi-more-articles-you-want-to-spend-time-viewing/Opens in new window ]