PR guru Niamh Boyle elected president of Chambers Ireland

Boyle is managing director of the Reputations Agency and succeeds Clive Bellows

Incoming Chambers Ireland president Niamh Boyle with Ian Talbot, chief executive of the group. Photograph: Conor Healy Photography

The managing director of PR group the Reputations Agency, Niamh Boyle, has been elected president of Chambers Ireland.

Ms Boyle, who succeeds Northern Trust country head Clive Bellows, will lead the organisation until 2018. She is currently serving her second term as a member of Dublin Chamber of Commerce council, and also serves on the board of the Friends of St Luke's Cancer Care.

She founded Corporate Reputations in 2004, having previously worked as director of marketing at the Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business UCD. Corporate Reputations merged with DDFH&B Group to form the Reputations Agency in 2014.

Better environment

Chambers Ireland is Ireland’s largest business organisation with a network of chambers of commerce across the State. Apart from its role as a business network it looks to create a better environment for business by lobbying the Government and other stakeholders on key policy issues.


It has called on the Government to address threats to competitiveness in the forthcoming budget. It has emphasised the importance of investment in infrastructure, and called for greater investment in housing, water, transport and broadband in the budget.

"Substantial and sustained capital investment is needed for Ireland to stay competitive," said Chambers Ireland chief executive Ian Talbot in the group's recent prebudget submission.