Six ways to impress when working as an intern

Arrive on time or be early and be sure to ask at least one good question in each meeting

It can be hard to stand out and make the right impression during a three-month stint in a new environment

About 75 per cent of college students work in an internship at some point. Increasingly, internships are the likeliest route to full-time employment for young workers.

But it can be hard to stand out and make the right impression during a three-month stint in a new environment.

How can interns learn what they need to know, impress those they work for and secure a job recommendation or full-time offer in such a brief period of time?

Here are a few pieces of advice:


1Be relentlessly punctual Show up on time (or early) in the morning, arrive for meetings before they begin and complete tasks by their deadlines.

2 Complete each task with excellence Whether an assignment is mundane or exotic, pursue it with relentless drive and a strong determination to exceed.

3Take on more work – without being asked Use excess time to take on new and important work, assignments others don’t want or projects that are needed but not yet defined.

4 Be resourceful: Research a topic thoroughly before asking a full-time colleague or manager for help, and take the time to come up with your own insight or solution before consulting others when you uncover a problem.

5Ask questions – good ones As a rule of thumb, make sure you ask one or more authentic questions in every meeting you attend.

6 Build professional relationships Form broad, deep relationships throughout the organisation to help you manage your current responsibilities, boost personal development and form a network of contacts for the future. – Copyright Harvard Business Review 2016