Drug dealer jailed after being caught storing crack cocaine and heroin in Kinder eggs

Sean Mooney has 39 previous convictions including one of assault and eight for drug dealing

Pic shows: Court 13 at the CCJ in Dublin where the trial of Graham Dwyer who has pleaded NOT guilty to the murder Elaine O'Hara has opened, Thursday 22-01-2015.
Pic: Collins Courts.
Sean Mooney of Barry Park, Finglas, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to possession of drugs for sale or supply at his home on January 19th, 2017. Photograph: Collins Courts

A convicted drug dealer who was using Kinder Surprise eggs to hide heroin and crack cocaine street deals has been jailed for eight months.

Sean Mooney (39) of Barry Park, Finglas, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to possession of drugs for sale or supply at his home on January 19th, 2017.

The court heard that on that date gardaí executing a search warrant found 13 “street deals” of heroin and nine of crack cocaine. The drugs were individually wrapped and packaged in Kinder eggs, a children’s sweet.

Gardaí also seized an electronic weighing scales and cash, €740 and £890.


The total estimated street value of the drugs seized was €420.

Mooney has 39 previous convictions including one of assault and eight for drug dealing.

His defence counsel James Dwyer SC told Judge Martin Nolan that Mooney was a father of three who had the support of his wife. He said Mooney’s father was recently hospitalised and has since moved into Mooney’s family home.

He said that at the time of the offending his client was struggling with a drug addiction.

Judge Martin Nolan said he took into consideration Mooney’s personal circumstances but said he deserved a custodial sentence.