The Garda Anti-Corruption Unit is investigating an officer for allegedly attempting to pervert the course of justice and committing perjury during a trial, the High Court has heard.
The garda cannot be named in order to ensure the investigation is not prejudiced, President of the High Court Mr Justice David Barniville said.
The order was made as part of an application by the Garda Commissioner seeking permission to obtain a transcript of the recording of a trial before the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in which the officer gave evidence on behalf of one of a number of defendants who were on trial.
The application was made against the DPP who did not object.
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James Geoghegan BL, for the Garda Commissioner, said the application for the digital audio recording of the court proceedings arose out of a criminal investigation by the Garda Anti-Corruption Unit into allegations against the officer of attempting to pervert the course of justice and perjury.
Noting there was no opposition to the application, Mr Justice Barniville said he was satisfied to grant the order releasing the transcript and recording.
While there is no specific provision in relation to such an application, he was also satisfied that the court had an inherent jurisdiction to make the order.