Bridge Notes: Mahon and Windebank claim all-Ireland pairs final success

English and Welsh-based competitors to the fore at the South of Ireland online congress

The all-Ireland club pairs final confined to intermediate grade players was the feature event of the weekend’s fixtures.

The all-Ireland club pairs final confined to intermediate grade players, the feature event of the weekend’s fixtures, was won by Catherine Mahon and Garry Windebank.

Consistency was the key to their success as they registered two sessions each in excess of 62 per cent. Little more than a single percentage point covered the next five pairs.

Barry and Debbie Leahy who remained in contention throughout were second; David Cope and Patricia McCormack third; Kat Hynes and Patrick Mulholland fourth.

Aindrias Ó Caoimh and Donal O’Keeffe in fifth had the best first session score while Alexandra and David Blair who were sixth were the best intermediate B grade pair; Paul Clinch and Jeremy James were second in the B category; Breege and Tom Ryan third, Carol Horan and Deirdre Morris fourth; Sharon McDermott and Clare O’Donoghue had the best second session score.


The three-session team contest for the Loch Léin trophy at the South of Ireland online congress was dominated by English and Welsh-based competitors.

Played under a new format that included preliminary rounds leading to a two-team, head-to-head final, victory went to Ceri Pierce, Eric Cummings, Jette and Alan Bailey who defeated Tim and Alex Gauld, Angus Simpson, Daniel McIntosh, BJ.O’Brien.

In the play-off for third place, David Jones, Jan Duncan, Mieke Deschepper, Adrian Thomas got the better of Peter Hodgson, Cathy Ferguson, Gwynn Davis and Bob McKinnon.

Mixed Teams: 1. Richard Plackett, Thomas, Deschepper, Mike Pownall; 2. Rhona Goldenfield, Ted Reveley, Joy and Irving Blakey; 3. Paul Porteous, Miriam McConville, Anne Fitzpatrick, Harold Curran.

Women’s teams: 1. Joan Kenny, Jeannie Fitzgerald, Gilda Pender, Rebecca O’Keeffe; 2. Catherine and Ileen McGregor, Ferguson, Joyce Benson.

Men’s teams: 1. O’Brien, Derek O’Gorman, Thomas, Jim Luck. 2. Gwynn Davis, Bob McKinnon, David and Ian Patrick.

Other Killarney results:

Congress pairs: 1. Dermot Cotter; Cian Holland. 2. David Coyne, Pat Quinn; 3. Reveley, Paul Casselle.

Mixed pairs: 1. Zrinka Kokot, Pat McDaid; 2. Goldenfield, Reveley; 3. Tracy Capal, Paddy Murphy.

Area masters: 1. Phyl Sherrard, Frank Browne; 2. Matt O’Callaghan, Paddy Byrne. Intermediate A: Breege and Tom Ryan; 2. Evelyn Doyle, Sheena Murphy.

IMP pairs: 1. Tom Gibson, Kenny; 2. Antoinette and Tos McGee.

Intermediate B (Wednesday): Ann Finn, Anne O’Rourke; (Saturday): Mary Kidney, Mairéad Launders; (Sunday): Anne O’Riordan, Clancy Treacy; Novice: (Wednesday): Helena Murphy, Michael Doyle; (Saturday): Karen and Liam Magnier ; (Sunday): Aideen and Paul Costigan