Crosaire No 17130 by Crossheir – Saturday, December 7th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Takes risk (PLAYS WITH FIRE) with stage adaptations of Dante’s Inferno presumably (stage adaptations/plays of Dante’s Inferno presumably PLAYS WITH FIRE),

10 Son lies (son lies) awfully (= anagram indicator) (son lies = LIONESS) to one with pride (LIONESS),

11 Trailer (trailer) produced (= anagram indicator) (trailer = RETRIAL) for Second Test (second test = RETRIAL),

12 End of 22 across (end of ‘new year’ = YEAR) from particular vintage (YEAR),


13 French street (French ‘street’ = RU-E) contains gym (-PE-) (RUPEE) – the Indians get their money’s worth out of it (RUPEE),

15 Coldplay ticket includes (‘coldplaY TICket’ includes = ytic = CITY) backtrack (backtrack = reversal indicator) of Amsterdam (CITY),

17 Characters in dictatorship lying (characters in ‘dictatorshiP LYing’ = PLY) – is it something to do with being thick? (PLY),

19 Digs in the ribs (NUDGES) with elbows (NUDGES),

21 It’s a measure (LENGTH) of what’s left (L-) for Ghent (Ghent) movement (= anagram indicator) (Ghent = -ENGTH) (LENGTH),

22 Modern take (NEW) on “1984” (YEAR) (NEW YEAR) – it’s expected in 2020 (NEW YEAR),

23 Precious metal (-AU-), initially lacking (d) DNA (‘DNA’ without ‘d’ = -NA-), found in iron (F-E) (FAUNAE) produced by animals of a particular region (FAUNAE),

25 It’s admirable dismissing the air (‘admirable’ dismissing the ‘air’ = dmable = BEDLAM) of chaos (BEDLAM),

27 Upsetting (= reversal indicator) some children of (some ‘childrEN Of’ = eno = ONE) individual (ONE),

29 Watched like a hawk (EYED) by The Observer (EYE-) starting disturbance (starting ‘Disturbance’ = -D) (EYED),

30 Fight over (ARGUE) what’s hidden by unfamiliar guerrillas (ARGUE hidden by ‘unfamiliAR GUErrillas’),

31 Psychiatrists dismiss physicist (‘psychiatrists’ dismiss ‘physicist’ = satr = STAR) in The Sun (STAR),

34 Those drunk at The Bar (DOUBLES) observed in court (DOUBLES observed in tennis court),

35 Peer (EARL-) gets foreign award (Order of the British Empire = -OBE) (EARLOBE) in place of Ring? (in place of earring = EARLOBE),

36 Looking for more lovers (PLAYING AROUND) of blithe spirit (Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit = PLAY-) and gin (gin = -ING) cocktail (= anagram indicator) from a (A-) pub order (ROUND) (PLAYING AROUND),


2 Organised (= anagram indicator) pro-deal (pro deal = LEOPARD) for one of The Cats (LEOPARD),

3 Universally speaking, the primordial matter (YLEM) consumed by Norway lemmings (consumed by ‘NorwaY LEMmings’ = YLEM),

4 White (W-) Snake (asp = -AS- -P) get to grips with most of (m) the buzz (‘hum’ without ‘m’= -H U-) (WASH UP) to get clean? (WASH UP),

5 For Christmas (TURKEY) with heartless (remove centre = n) old jailer (‘turnkey’ without ‘n’ = TURKEY),

6 First mate misses Trim’s (‘first mate’ misses ‘Trims’ = fate = FETA) goat’s cheese (FETA),

7 In the military sense, calling up (RAISING an army) American (-A-) during Easter 1916? (R-ISING) (RAISING),

8 Pitches (PLAYING FIELDS) to the quare fellow (Brendan Behan’s The Quare Fellow = PLAY-) popular (-IN-) on golf (-G) greens (FIELDS) (PLAYING FIELDS),

9 Speculate (PLAY THE MARKET) with sketch (PLAY) and article (THE) from Buy and Sell (MARKET) (PLAY THE MARKET),

14 Taking on the role (PLAYING) of 32 down (‘play’ = PLAY-) in (-IN-) Government (-G) (PLAYING),

16 Nepal (Nepal) dish (= anagram indicator) (Nepal = PENAL) from one of the colonies (PENAL colony),

18 Part of the military gear perhaps (military gear/uniform = BERET) on top of everything else in France (BERET),

20 Make a date with (SEE) spy (SEE),

21 Test site investigating reactions (LAB) integral to verbal abuse (integral to ‘verbaL ABuse’  = LAB),

24 It’s not the same (UNEQUAL) for a French (a = UN-) contemporary (-EQUAL) (UNEQUAL),

26 Unexpected disappointment (LET-DOWN) of accommodation (LET-) in Ireland (-DOWN) (LET-DOWN),

27 Prayer (ORISON) for Oscar (O-) heading off (p) to Reading Gaol, for example (prison)  (‘prison’ without ‘p’ = -RISON) (ORISON),

28 All characters in Revolution (= reverse all indicator) head off (t) to take (‘take’ without ‘t’ = ake = -EKA) Parisian street (Paris/French ‘street’ = rue = EUR-) (EUREKA) – that comes as a surprise! (EUREKA),

32 Opening for all sides today (PLAY on all four sides of today’s grid) to get onto the pitch at Croke Park, for example (PLAY),

33 Amidst unpatriotic (amidst ‘unpaTRIOtic = TRIO) group of musicians (TRIO).