8 Reviews (= reverse indicator) a couple of articles (an + an = -NANA) by a (-A -) bishop (B-) (BANANA) for the primate to take in (BANANA),
9 Waves (GESTURES) to agent (rep) briefly (p) (‘rep’ without ‘p’ = -RE-) engaged by travelling (= anagram indicator) guests (guests = GESTU-S) (GESTURES),
10 Refashioned out of hall of residence (‘refashioned’ out of ‘hall of residence’ = llce = CELL) in Kilmainham (CELL in Kilmainham Gaol),
11 Hostility (AGGRESSION) to opening scene (opening ‘Scene’ = -S-) in Georgian’s (Georgian’s = AGGRES-ION) adaptation (= anagram indicator) (AGGRESSION),
12 Sister (NUN-) from island (-I-) taken in by company (Co = -C-O) (NUNCIO) ambassador (NUNCIO),
14 Open secret (open ‘Secret’ = S-), key for computer (-ALT key) is not in the office (AWAY) (SALT AWAY) of bank (bank/save = SALT AWAY),
15 Fair play (SPORTING GESTURE) to most of those in 9 across (most of ‘gestures’ = GESTURE) following (= position indicator) 25 across (‘sporting’ = SPORTING) (SPORTING GESTURE),
18 Señorita (lass) heading off (l) (‘lass’ without ‘l’ = ASS-) to Roses (roses) working (= anagram indicator) (roses = -ESSOR) (ASSESSOR) for The Examiner (ASSESSOR),
20 What the minister of finance made up (BUDGET) for? Change of position (BUDGE-) that’s initially timely! (initially ‘Timely’ = -T) (BUDGET),
22 Rusted torc (rusted torc) neglected (= anagram indicator) (rusted torc = DESTRUCTOR) by one committed to ruin (DESTRUCTOR),
24 Well turned out? Weren’t (‘well turned’ out/without ‘werent’ = llud = DULL) lacking interest! (DULL),
25 It’s just (SPORTING), for instance, playing senior hurling (SPORT-) in (-IN-) Government (-G) (SPORTING),
26 Employ (ENGAGE) part of Halloween gag explicitly (part of ‘halloweEN GAG Explicitly’ = ENGAGE).
1 Leads, actors, understudies (leads ‘Actors Understudies’ = -AU) behind (= position indicator) theatre (GATE- Theatre) (GATEAU) in Dundee (Dundee cake = GATEAU),
2 Lifesavers fail to get fevers (‘lifesavers’ fail to get ‘fevers’ = lisa = SAIL) on the boat, for instance (SAIL),
3 Fare from Afro-American- (‘fare’ from ‘Afro-American’ = oamrican = MACARONI) -Italian pasta? (MACARONI),
4 Enthusiastic (AGOG) to geographically ignore Caerphilly (‘geographically’ ignore ‘Caerphilly’ = goga = AGOG),
5 American (A-) dated old stylish, wealthy person (swell = -S WELL) (AS WELL) too (AS WELL),
6 Ran rings around (OUTSMARTED), in a way (a way = away = OUT-), clever (-SMART-) writer (-ED) (OUTSMARTED),
7 Confident and stylish type (DEBONAIR) making first appearance (debutante = DEB-) on the radio (on air = -ONAIR) (DEBONAIR),
13 Respect ran (respect ran) out (= anagram indicator) (respect ran = CARPENTERS) for those who saw a lot (CARPENTERS),
14 Poser leaves sour grapes (‘poser’ leaves ‘sour grapes’ = ugras = SUGAR) for something sweet (SUGAR),
16 Old-fashioned layouts (PASTE-UPS) of reports (= homophone indicator) approved (‘passed’ = ‘past’ = PAST-) by community (EU = E-U-) with postscript (-PS) (PASTE-UPS),
17 Set off on a journey (EMBARKED) with English (E-) tree hugger (-BARK-) consumed by Mediterranean (Med = -M-ED) (EMBARKED),
19 Stick around dismissing crank (‘stick around’ dismissing ‘crank’ = stioud = STUDIO) in the drawing room? (STUDIO),
21 You’re unlikely to hear this praise if you’re late (EULOGY), as typically it accompanies a put down (EULOGY),
23 Characters in Cognito gobsmacked (characters in ‘cogniTO GObsmacked’ = TOGO) by what’s in Africa (TOGO),
24 Delves into (DIGS) extremes of director’s dealings (extremes of ‘DIrector’s dealinGS’ = DIGS).