Crosaire No 17193 by Crossheir – Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Accounts perhaps (BOOK OF NUMBERS) for what’s in The Bible (BOOK OF NUMBERS),

10 Get the better of (OUTPLAY) fight (bout) knocking head off (b) (‘bout’ without ‘b’ = OUT-) -) borstal boy (adaptation of Brendan Behan’s Borstal Boy =  -PLAY) (OUTPLAY),

11 It comes as a big blow (TORNADO) in Split (split/ripped = TORN-) to a (-A-) party (-DO) (TORNADO),


12 Last Greek (last ‘greeK’ = K-) put out (-IRK) (KIRK) by the church (the KIRK),

13 15 across (‘book’ = BOOK-) provides School (-S) (BOOKS) Charters (BOOKS),

15 Reserve (BOOK) on all sides today (BOOK on all sides of today’s grid),

17 Stop living (DIE) in disobedience (in ‘disobedience’ = DIE),

19 US wine (US wine) drunk (= anagram indicator) (US wine = UNWISE) by fool Hardy? (foolhardy = UNWISE),

21 Greet the villain (BOO-) – a shirty type (-TEE shirt) (BOOTEE) with childish footwear (BOOTEE),

22 The barber offers to do this (CREW CUT) for gang (CREW) from Trim (CUT) (CREW CUT),

23 One of those teaching a lesson (LECTOR) to voter (elector) needs no introduction (e) (‘elector’ without ‘e’ = LECTOR),

25 Local rascal (SCAMP-) from institute (-I) (SCAMPI) produced something fishy (SCAMPI),

27 Found amidst the general public (found amidst the ‘generAL Public’ = ALP) high up in Switzerland (ALP),

29 Retires (= reverse indicator) around Des Moines (around ‘DEs MoinES’ = dees = SEED) with sons and daughters? (offspring/heir = SEED),

30 Kill deer ignoring elk (‘kill deer’ ignoring ‘elk’ = ilder = IDLER) or do nothing? (IDLER),

31 Tom Sawyer dismisses stray (‘Tom Sawyer’ dismisses ‘stray’ = omwe = MEOW) – one that sounds like a cat (MEOW),

34 On the books (on the company’s books = EARNING) studying (learning) starting off (l) (‘learning’ without ‘l’ = EARNING),

35 Chased (chased) reports (= homophone indicator) (‘chased’ = ‘chaste’ = CHASTE-) for point (North = -N) (CHASTEN) of rebuke (CHASTEN),

36 The shelf (BOOK COLLECTOR) in the library (BOOK COLLECTOR).


2 Leave behind (OUTGROW) great (-G-) trouble (-ROW) on holiday (OUT-), for starters (= position indicator) (OUTGROW),

3 Weekend (‘week’ end = K-) drink (-ALE) (KALE) with one of The Greens (KALE),

4 Casting option (FLY ROD), in Florida (FL-) for unknown quantity (-Y) getting stick (ROD) (FLY ROD),

5 The action of making use of (UPTAKE) boxer (pup) starting off (p) (‘pup’ without ‘p’ = UP-) on bit of filming (-TAKE)  (UPTAKE),

6 Hates leaving sunbather (‘hates’ leaving ‘sunbather’ = unbr = BURN) to soak up too much of the sun (BURN),

7 What computer is capable of (READ-OUT) with medley (= anagram indicator) or a duet (or a duet = READ-OUT),

8 Employs ghostwriter perhaps (BOOK PUBLISHER) responsible for a number of tomes (BOOK PUBLISHER),

9 Novel (BOOK) is about (RE-) spying (-VIEWING) (BOOK REVIEWING), criticising The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, for instance  (BOOK REVIEWING),

14 Take head off (b) pimple (‘boil’ without ‘b’ = OIL) satisfactorily (WELL) (OIL WELL) – it’s bound to release all that viscous liquid (OIL WELL),

16 A (A-) UK resident (-SCOT) (ASCOT) popular with Arabians, of course (ASCOT popular with Arabians/horses),

18 Local butcher (‘local’ butcher = BOTCH) because of this heads (‘Because Of This’ heads = BOT-) to church (-CH) (BOTCH),

20 Make a mistake (ERR) getting back (= reverse indicator) into arrears (into ‘arrears’ = rre  = ERR),

21 Granite taken from gas turbine (‘granite’ taken from ‘gas turbine’ = sub = BUS) by commercial transport (BUS),

24 Good luck (CHEERIO) to choir (choir) performing (= anagram indicator) (choir = CH-RIO) around middle of the week (middle of the ‘week’ = -EE-) (CHEERIO),

26 Expert (MAESTRO) team (team) comes back (= reverse indicator) (team = MAE-T) across south (-S-) Romania (RO = -RO) (MAESTRO),

27 Bill (AD-) is at the bar (Attorney General = -AG-) before 10 (-IO) (ADAGIO) – that’s slow for a musician (ADAGIO),

28 Writer (PENCIL) gets stick for putting things down (PENCIL),

32 Stole material (stole/wrap material = MINK) from Pole (South Pole = s) leaving European capital (Minsk, capital of Belarus) (‘Minsk’ without ‘s’ = MINK),

33 Soft material (TALC) in Oriental carpets (in ‘orienTAL Carpets’ = TALC).