Crosaire No 17242 by Crossheir – Monday, April 20th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Hay from Himalayas (‘hay’ from ‘Himalayas’ = imlaas = SALAMI) or sausage from the deli? (SALAMI),

9 Gun dog (retriever) with no tail (r) (‘retriever’ without ‘r’ = RETRIEVE) gets to fetch (RETRIEVE),

10 Cut from octopus (‘cut’ from ‘octopus’ = oops = OOPS) – sorry about that! (OOPS),

11 Colourful type (SALMON PINK) of nut (almond) cut (d) (‘almond’ without ‘d’ = -ALMON) on top of plate (on top of ‘Plate’ = P-) in basin (sink = S- -INK) (SALMON PINK),


12 Instead of (IN LIEU) popular (IN) gents (loo) on the radio (= homophone indicator) (‘loo’ = ‘LIEU’) (IN LIEU),

14 Alpine (Alpine) resort (= anagram indicator) (Alpine = PLE-IAN) around most of (n) the high mountain? In Scotland (mountain in Scotland = ‘ben’ without ‘n’ = -BE-) (PLEBEIAN) it is for the common man! (PLEBEIAN),

15 One of The Stones (jewel) spoke out (= homophone indicator) (‘jewel’ = ‘dual’ = DUAL) to give the subject some recognition (CITZENSHIP) (DUAL CITZENSHIP) for those calling home in Europe and America? (DUAL CITIZENSHIP),

18 Two types of detectives (DI+DS = DI-DS) guard Morning (-AM-) Broadcast (-ON-) (DIAMONDS) by the suits (playing cards/suits DIAMONDS),

20 Decline the opportunity (PASS UP) to all raise (= reverse all indicator) kitty (puss = -SS UP) at a (-A-) push initially (‘Push’ initially = P-) (PASS UP),

22 Dead (UNANIMATED) or Alive (-ANIMATED) opening (= position indicator) at Gaiety (fun) needs no introduction (f) (‘fun’ without ‘f’ = UN-) (UNANIMATED),

24 Some stealth aircraft (some ‘stealtH AIRcraft’ = HAIR) bound to get clipped (HAIR),

25 Satyr has (Satyr has) trouble (= anagram indicator) (Satyr has = ASHTRAYS) with those holding onto the remnants of the camels (ASHTRAYS holding onto the remnants of the Camels/cigarettes),

26 Getting one’s hands on the keys (TYPING) working for Dictator (TYPING).


1 Colour sergeant doesn’t get rest cure (‘colour sergeant’ doesn’t get ‘rest cure’ = ologan = LAGOON) by inland lake (LAGOON),

2 Guitar (BASS guitar) bands – Babyshambles and Kiss? (bands/sides of  ‘BAbyshambles and KiSS’ = BASS),

3 US State (MISSOURI) address (MISS-) from a beautiful woman (houri) starting off (h) (‘houri’ without ‘h’ = -OURI) (MISSOURI),

4 Examination (ORAL) relates to revolting (= reverse indicator) content of popular opinion (content of ‘popuLAR Opinion’ = laro = ORAL),

5 Comfortably in (AT HOME) a (A-) big book (tome = -T -OME) about fashion centre (‘fasHion’ centre = H-) (AT HOME),

6 Place (-PL-) in epidemiologist’s study (disease = DIS-EASES) (DISPLEASES) for local bugs (local ‘bugs’ = DISPLEASES),

7 Leaving (leaving) drunk (= anagram indicator) (leaving = -VENGALI) after (= position indicator) bender (S- bend) (SVENGALI) with sinister controller (SVENGALI),

13 Not in good shape (ILL-), muse (ruminate) is heading off (r) (‘ruminate’ without ‘r’ = -UMINATE) (ILLUMINATE) to light up (ILLUMINATE),

14 Sting’s (stings = PAINS) playing (= anagram indicator) Spain (Spain = PAINS),

16 League (UNION-) winner (first = 1ST  = -IST) (UNIONIST) doesn’t see a future with the Republic (UNIONIST),

17 Speed up the process (EXPEDITE) around (= reverse indicator) record (Extended Play record = EP = -PE-) welcomed by one of The Doors (exit = EX-IT-), leading DJ (leading ‘DJ’ = -D-) and One Direction (East = -E) (EXPEDITE),

19 Australian marsupial (NUMBAT) in shock (NUMB-) with a (-A-) temperature (-T) (NUMBAT)

21 Disingenuous to release guides (‘disingenuous’ to release ‘guides’ = innous = UNIONS) for people getting married? (UNIONS),

23 Sides with top class (sides with ‘TOp claSS’ = TOSS) pitch (TOSS),

24 Part of speech opens (part of ‘speecH OPEns’ = HOPE) with ambition (HOPE).