Crosaire No 17304 by Crossheir – Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 The range (SIERRA) of some folksier rapper (some ‘folkSIER RApper = SIERRA),

9 Opens 15 across (opens ‘security blanket’ = SECURITY) for peace of mind (peace of mind = SECURITY),

10 Picnic (MEAL) on the banks of the Mexican canal (the banks ‘MExican canAL’ = MEAL),

11 Those in newspapers (leaders = LEADERS-) taking one of the joints (-HIP joint) (LEADERSHIP) in charge of The Party (LEADERSHIP),


12 Sample of catch on shuttle (sample of ‘catcH ON SHUttle’ = HONSHU) in Japanese waters (HONSHU island),

14 Get one’s finger out (SET ABOUT) to fix (fix/set  = SET) a (A) fight (bout = -BOUT) (SET ABOUT),

15 Collateral (SECURITY) for what’s left (-L-) in financial institution (bank = B-ANK-) in Paris – and (in Paris/French ‘and’ = -ET) (SECURITY BLANKET) it’s a comfort for the very young (SECURITY BLANKET),

18 In the forest (ASH- is in the forest), square (-T- square) and in schools (rays/fish in schools = -RAYS) (ASHTRAYS) but no longer in pubs? (ASHTRAYS),

20 Give someone the cold shoulder (PASS BY) of terrine from Presbyterians (‘terrine’ from ‘Presbyterians’ = psbyas = PASS BY),

22 Whales (orcas) raised (= reversal indicator) (orcas = SACRO-) on the endless beach (sand) (‘sand’ without ‘d’ = SAN-) close to Connecticut (-CT) (SACROSANCT) too important to touch (SACROSANCT),

24 The latest fashion (MODE) for knocking back (= reverse indicator) what’s in Champagne domaine (knocking back what’s in ‘ChampagnE DOMaine’ = edom  = MODE),

25 Don’t speak to locals (BLANK-), aliens (ETs = -ETS) (BLANKETS) or those lying about the kings and queens (BLANKETS lying about the kings and queens beds),

26 Switch (CHANGE) for display, in a way (hang = -HANG-), in church (Church of England = C-E) (CHANGE).


1 Old consul, governor, orator (CICERO) and theocratic is missing that? (‘theocratic’ is missing ‘that’ =  eocric = CICERO),

2 An examination (ORAL examination) of uplifting (= reverse indicator) bit of circular oxygen  (uplifting bit of ‘circuLAR Oxygen = laro  = ORAL),

3 Recollects (= reverse indicator) one (-I) Islamic leader (mullah = HALL-UM-) consuming duck (-O-) (HALLOUMI) with a kind of island cheese (HALLOUMI cheese from Cyprus),

4 Haitians drop hint (‘Haitians’ drop ‘hint’ = aias = ASIA) it’s the biggest Mass on the globe! (biggest land mass = ASIA).

5 Take steps (act = AC-T) around church (Church of England = -CE-) heading for nave (heading for ‘Nave’ = -N-) (ACCENT) with sign of stress (ACCENT),

6 Groups of musicians (BRASS BANDS) supporting women (BRAS-) opening snack (opening ‘Snack’ = -S) bars (bars/stripes = BANDS) (BRASS BANDS),

7 View (ATTITUDE) of a (A-) car (model -T-) for bird (-TIT-) and bloke (dude) heading off (d) (‘dude’ without ‘d’ = -UDE) (ATTITUDE),

13 Spill the beans (tell/sing = S-ING) about relative (-AUNT-) in hospital (-ER-) (SAUNTERING) rambling on and on (rambling on and on = SAUNTERING),

14 Nuisances for the viewers (eyes) (STYES) left (l) out of formats (‘styles’ without ‘l’ = styes = STYES),

16 Gets caught up in the problem (ENSNARLS) boss (= anagram indicator) learns (learns = EN-ARLS) about setting up (= reverse indicator) national school (NS = -SN-) (ENSNARLS),

17 Make up (make-up = LIPSTICK) with lover opening (‘Lover’ opening = L-) address (-IP- address) with criticism (-STICK) (LIPSTICK),

19 Reply (ANSWER) from Pep is not in newspaper (‘Pep’ is not in ‘newspaper’ = newsar = ANSWER),

21 Troublemaker (BAD EGG) is not up to scratch (BAD) on English (E-) horse (-GG) (BAD EGG),

23 Sixth sense (NOSE) of North Vietnamese banks (‘NOrth VietnameSE’ banks = NOSE),

24 Sample of pashmina embroidery (sample of ‘pashmiNA EMbroidery’ = naem) ripped up (= reversal indicator) (naem = MEAN), as it’s not very nice (MEAN).