Crosaire No 17307 by Crossheir – Saturday, July 4th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Model (= anagram indicator) at pool (at pool = TOPO-AL) admits not hiding much (-GRAPHIC-) (TOPOGRAPHICAL) in kind of study that relates to the landscape of the area (TOPOGRAPHICAL),

10 Take someone’s breathe away (OVERAWE) with weave or (weave or) twist (= anagram indicator) (weave or = OVERAWE),

11 Good luck (CHEERIO) to choir (choir) performing (= anagram indicator) (choir = CH-RIO) around middle of the week (middle of the ‘wEEk’ = -EE-) (CHEERIO),

12 Lay figure puts out a fire (‘lay figure’ puts out ‘a fire’ = lygu = UGLY) far from fair (far from fair/ ugly = UGLY),


13 Sycophants (yes men) dismiss head of state (head of ‘State’ = s) (‘yesmen’ dismiss ‘s’ = YEMEN) in Asian country (YEMEN),

15 Men getting out of manhole (‘men’ getting out of ‘manhole’ = ahol = HALO) with divine head light (HALO),

17 Raise (= reverse indicator) what’s concealed by agent orange (what’s concealed by ‘agenT ORange’ = tor = ROT) in Blarney locally (ROT),

19 One (I-) politician (-MP-) from a (-A-) city in America (Los Angeles = -LA) (IMPALA), a beastly type synonymous with the herd mentality (IMPALA),

21 Give an account of (tell = -LLET) heads on insect bites (heads on ‘Insect Bites’ = ib = BI-) all picked up (= reverse all indicator) (BILLET) in private accommodation (private/army accommodation = BILLET),

22 Tropical fruit (ARPICOT) in starter of Arborio (starter of ‘Arborio’ = A-) rice (rice) mostly (e) (‘rice without ‘e’ = -RIC-) consumed by Kitty (kitty/pot = -P-OT) (APRICOT),

23 March (MAR-) in (-IN-) Spain (-E) (MARINE) relates to the sea (MARINE),

25 Idiom from social media (‘idiom’ from ‘social media’ = scalea = ALSACE) in France (ALSACE),

27 Best (TOP) is one of those in 32 down (one of ‘tops’ = TOP),

29 Bar (LINE) opens in 34 across (opens in ‘line-out’ = LINE),

30 Creatures without true (‘creatures’ without ‘true’ = creas = CARES) worries (CARES),

31 It’s comes as a test (ORAL) to twist it up (= reverse indicator) inside to parcel a rope (inside to ‘parceL A ROpe’ inside  = laro = ORAL),

34 Row (LINE-) and fight (bout) starting off (b) (‘bout’ without ‘b’ = -OUT) (LINE-OUT) is witnessed on rugby pitch (LINE-OUT),

35 Is good (BEHAVES) for honey producers (bees = BE-ES) around summits, hills and valleys (summits ‘Hills And Valleys’ = HAV-) (BEHAVES),

36 Principal (top = TOP) with skeleton in the cupboard (SECRET) is put in The Cabinet? (FILE) (TOP SECRET FILE) That’s Classified! (TOP SECRET FILE).


2 Coincide with (OVERLAP) old (O-) father (Rev) putting up (= reversal indicator) (Rev = -VER-) with revolution (-LAP) (OVERLAP),

3 Ordered to start (‘Ordered’ to start = O-) to talk (yak) back? (= reverse indicator) (yak = -KAY) (OKAY) Fair enough! (OKAY),

4 Turns up (= reverse indicator), it’s about (re = -ER) charge (fee =-EEF-) for finishing order (finishing ‘ordeR’ = R-) (REEFER) in joint (REEFER),

5 Something for the postman to deliver (PACKET) working for the post office overseas? (mail boat = PACKET boat),

6 Piece (ITEM) of some Yosemite monument (some ‘yosemITE Monument’ = item = ITEM),

7 Broadcast (air = AIR-) produced by man of letters (-MAIL produced by postman) (AIRMAIL) in overseas post (AIRMAIL),

8 Count (tot = TO -T) secures place (put = PUT) on island (island = I-) that’s not too hot (MILD-) with large (-L-) yard (-Y) (TO PUT IT MILDLY) – that’s an understatement (TO PUT IT MILDLY),

9 Superior (TOP) old (O-) paper (Financial Times = FT = -F T-) takes man (-HE) from college (C-) and young woman (-LASS) (TOP OF THE CLASS) with a teacher’s position (TOP OF THE CLASS),

14 Study (MONITOR) in The Observer (MONITOR),

16 Parking (P-) on narrow street (-LANE) (PLANE) is bound to take off (PLANE),

18 Posts from test pilots (‘posts’ from ‘test pilots’ = tetil = TITLE) – indeed? (TITLE in deed),

20 Copy (copy/ape = APE) produced by the environmentalists (Environmental Protection Agency/ EPA) doing a U-turn (= reverse indicator) (EPA = APE),

21 Stole (stole/scarf = BOA) last car (model T) from ship (boat) (‘boat’ without ‘t’ = BOA),

24 Come across (RUN INTO) to manage (RUN) teachers (Irish National Teachers’ Organisation  = INTO) (RUN INTO),

26 Start agitation (start ‘Agitation’ = A-) and resistance (-R-) to rival (-RIVAL) (ARRIVAL) getting off Jumbo (ARRIVAL),

27 Direct action cutting De Niro (‘direct action’ cutting ‘De Niro’ = ictact = TACTIC) – the one with method? (TACTIC),

28 Upsets (= reverse indicator) the Spanish (‘the’ Spanish = el = -LE) blues king (BB King = -BB-) on record (Extended Play record = EP = PE-) (PEBBLE) produced by one of The Stones! (PEBBLE),

32 Outscores (TOPS) those on all sides today (‘top’ is on all sides of today’s grid = TOPS),

33 Working in the kitchen (CHEF), Bernard is out of French Bread (‘Bernard’ is out of ‘French Bread’ = fech = CHEF).