Crosaire No 17323 by Crossheir – Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Graduate (MA= M-A) takes in a (-A-) trail (-LAG-) (MALAGA) from Iberian port  (MALAGA),

4 Tree (ash = A-SH) overlooking street (-ST-) and tops of neighbourhood including (tops ‘Of Neighbourhood Including’ (-ONI-) (ASTONISH) a maze? (‘a maze’ = ‘amaze’ = ASTONISH),

9 Channel synonymous with The House (GUTTER) Government- (G-) -speak (-UTTER) (GUTTER),

10 Ridicule (CONTEMPT) criminal (CON-) and part-time worker (-TEMP-) starting trouble (starting ‘Trouble’ = -T) (CONTEMPT),


12 Gruff (hoarse) on the radio (= homophone indicator) (‘hoarse’ = ‘horse’ = HORSE-) programme (-SHOW) (HORSESHOW) with competitive jumpy type (HORSESHOW),

13 To be sure, without BSE (‘to be sure’, without ‘BSE’ = toure = OUTRÉ), it’s weird to the French? (weird/eccentric = OUTRÉ),

14 Champions (TORCHBEARERS) those unlikely to be dropped going to the Olympics? (TORCHBEARERS carrying ‘Olympic torches’ to Olympic Games),

18 Christian (PRESBYTERIAN) unsettles (= anagram indicator) nearby priest (nearby priest = PRESBYTERIAN),

21 Class (RANGE) of Orangeman disregarding moan (‘orangeman’ disregarding ‘moan’ = rgean = RANGE),

22 Romanians (Romanians) travelling (= anagram indicator) (Romanians = SAN MARINO) to small European republic (SAN MARINO),

24 One of the issues (DAUGHTER) produced by (= anagram indicator) The Guard (The Guard = DAUGHTER),

25 Nothing (-O-) in The Cherry Orchard, for one (grove = GRO-VE) (GROOVE), is cut in the material sense (GROOVE),

26 Nuts and bolts (ELEMENTS) for workers (-MEN-) in steel (steel) production (= anagram indicator) (steel = ELE-TS) (ELEMENTS),

27 In the neighbourhood (CLOSE-) restaurant – the ultimate (restaurant the ‘ultimatE’ = -T) (CLOSET) secret (CLOSET).


1 Local fool (local fool = MUG-) with photographs (-SHOTS) (MUGSHOTS) of rogues’ gallery taken by the police (MUGSHOTS),

2 It rarely (it rarely = LITERARY) worried (= anagram indicator) academic (LITERARY),

3 Rant from teenagers (‘rant’ from ‘teenagers’ = eeges = GEESE) in a gaggle (GEESE),

5 Chill (STOP WORRYING) those holding stock, for instance (pots), served up (= reverse indicator) (pots = STOP) in a stew (WORRYING) (STOP WORRYING),

6 Use external company (OUTSOURCE) to expose (OUT-) a gent’s confidant (‘a gents’ = ‘agents’ confidant- = SOURCE) (OUTSOURCE),

7 Convict (INMATE) at one time lost toe (‘at one time’ lost/without ‘toe’ = atnime = INMATE),

8 Contract workers perhaps (HIT MEN) losing rag in nightmare (losing “rag” in “ nightmare” = nihtme = HIT MEN),

11 The Boys in Blue think he did it (CHIEF SUSPECT) for manager (CHIEF) and that’s not quite right (that’s SUSPECT) (CHIEF SUSPECT),

15 Get lost (shoo), in a manner of speaking (= homophone indicator) (‘shoo’ = ‘shoe’ = -SHOE), after (= positional indicator) opening 12 across (opening ‘horse shoe’ = HORSE-) (HORSESHOE) – some would say that’s lucky (HORSESHOE),

16 One (-I-) car (model -T-) coming in light shades (VIS-ORS) (VISITORS) not familiar to the locals (VISITORS),

17 Is not guilty (INNOCENT) of selling drink (INN-) from old (-O-) capital (capital/money = -CENT) (INNOCENT),

19 Connection (BRIDGE) to James Joyce in Dublin, for instance (James Joyce BRIDGE),

20 Bear (ENDURE) or swallow? (ENDURE),

23 Laura (Laura) plays (= anagram indicator) (Laura = AURAL) acoustic (AURAL).