Crosaire No 17360 by Crossheir – Friday, September 4th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Problems (ISSUES) at the end of 15 across (at the end of ‘confuse the issue’ = ISSUE-) for society (-S) (ISSUES),

9 Edward (-NED-) is one (-I-) barman (Bachelor of Laws = -BL-) in Ireland (Ireland domain = .ie = -I-E) (INEDIBLE) not fit to serve (INEDIBLE),

10 E-cash from Bucharest (‘ecash’ from ‘Bucharest’ = burt = BRUT) for type of champagne (BRUT),


11 Is a great advocate of The Crown (MONARCHIST), The King (MONARCH-) and I (-I-), and The Street (-ST) (MONARCHIST),

12 Cleans up the childish mistakes (ERASER) of royal (-R-) in new (= anagram indicator) saree (saree = E-ASER) (ERASER),

14 Tracks (PATHWAYS) nearly all those (s) in 14 down (‘paths’ without ‘s’ = PATH-) joining The Customs (-WAYS) (PATHWAYS),

15 Most of those (s) in 24 down (‘cons’ without ‘s’ = CON-) marry (-FUSE) most (m) of them (them) (‘them’ without ‘m’ = THE) with offspring (ISSUE) (CONFUSE THE ISSUE) in Blur (CONFUSE THE ISSUE),

18 Opens 15 across (opens ‘confuse the issue’ = CONFUSE-) with tip for some (tip for ‘Some’ = -S) (CONFUSES) puzzles (CONFUSES),

20 Egyptian’s missing pet (‘Egyptians’ missing ‘pet’ = gyians = SAYING) in the cat’s pyjamas, for instance (“the cat’s pyjamas” = SAYING),

22 Witheringly (SCATHINGLY) sneaky (sly = S-LY) around accountant (-CA-) and lightweight (-THIN-) legend (‘leG’ end = -G) (SCATHINGLY),

24 Start to case (start to ‘Case’ = C-) joint (-HIP joint) (CHIP) – the one the gambler might have in his possession (CHIP),

25 Violent disturbance (UPHEAVAL) in university (University of Limerick = U-L) over pressure (-P-) and endless (t) heat (‘heat’ without ‘t’ = -HEA-) on Virginia (-VA-) (UPHEAVAL),

26 Smoothed over (SANDED) for Dean’s (deans) foreign (= anagram indicator) (deans = SANDE-) department (-D) (SANDED).


1 Shylock (extortionate moneylender = USURER) is confident (-SURE-) in old city (U-R) (USURER),

2 Sample of upsetting (= reverse indicator) plant substance (sample of upsetting ‘planT SUBstance’ = tsub = BUST) found in local crack (local ‘crack’/break = BUST),

3 Old (O-) writer of good books (St Mark = -STMARK-) sometimes primarily (‘Sometimes’ primarily = -S) (OSTMARKS) circulated by old communists once? (OSTMARKS in circulation in Communist East Germany/GDR),

4 Some backward (= reversal indicator) men like (some ‘meN LIKe’ = nlik = KILN) one of those getting fired from the pottery factory (KILN),

5 Hidden (SECRET) on top of cambium (on top of ‘Cambium’ = -C-) in wild (= anagram indicator) trees (trees = SE-RET) (SECRET),

6 Please explain (why = W- HY) about one (-I-) who is bashful (-S-HY-) seen (saw = -WAS-) falling over (= reverse indicator) (WISHY-WASHY) watery type (WISHY-WASHY),

7 So Bluesy ... (so bluesy) Dizzy (= anagram indicator) (so bluesy = BLESS YOU) Bishop always says this! (BLESS YOU),

13 Job in the bank (SAFE FITTER) is secure (SAFE) for Irish men (Irish ‘men’ = fir = FI-R) including race (Isle of Man Tourist Trophy = -TT-) from Spain (-E) (SAFE FITTER),

14 Approaches (PATHS) secretary (Personal Assistant = PA-) for the (the) unfinished (e) (‘the’ without ‘e’ = -TH-) school (-S) (PATHS),

16 Leaders of The Old School (leaders ‘Of The Old School’ = OTOS-) manage somehow (-COPE) (OTOSCOPE) by checking out the internal workings of The Hearing (OTOSCOPE),

17 Literary writer (ESSAYIST) from Spain (E-) has relative (sis = -S-IS-) travelling around state (-SAY-) by car (model -T) (ESSAYIST),

19 One (-I-) to two-fifths (2x5 = V+V = -VV-) in a sunny spot (sky = SK-Y) (SKIVVY) offered a job locally (a job ‘locally’ = SKIVVY),

21 Draw a line cutting out war (‘draw a line’ cutting out/without ‘war’ = daline = NAILED) – or get hammered (NAILED),

23 Spins (= reverse indicator) female (-F) record (log = GOL-) (GOLF) for those playing around?  (for those playing a round = GOLF),

24 Criminals (CONS) on both sides concealing weapons (on both sides ‘COncealing weapoNS’  = CONS).