Crosaire No 17433 by Crossheir – Saturday, November 28th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Small (S-) old change (penny = -P- -ENNY) found around pub (-INN-) popular (-IN-) with George (-G) and Jack (J-) (SPINNING JENNY) employed ages ago in the cotton industry (SPINNING JENNY),

10 Has lunch in The Park (PICNICS) with leaders of Parties in Coalition (leaders of ‘Parties In Coalition’ = PIC-) from Northern Ireland (-NI-), with colleagues on both sides (‘ColleagueS’ on both sides = -CS) (PICNICS),

11 Hotel (-H-) insurance, the first (‘Insurance’ the first = -I-) in amazing (= anagram indicator) Paris (Paris = AIRS-P) (AIRSHIP) for those who travel lightly for a gas time perhaps? (AIRSHIP),

12 Important African flower (NILE river/flower) raised (= reverse indicator) on the borders of El-Alamein (on the borders of ‘EL-alameIN’ = elin = NILE),


13 Frame (SET-UP) for pole-vaulters failing to get all over? (‘pole-vaulters’ failing to get ‘all over’ = peuts = SET-UP),

15 Rotate (SPIN) those starting on all sides today (SPIN on all sides of today’s grid),

17 Briefly (t) place (put) (‘put’ without ‘t’ = PU-) beside lead pencil (lead/top ‘Pencil’ = -P) (PUP) for cheeky schoolchild (PUP),

19 Gradually promote idea (INSTIL) this is trendy (trendy = IN-) Trim (l) type of water (still) (‘still’ without ‘l’ = -STIL) (INSTIL),

21 Month (OCT-) before (= positional indicator) Ireland (Republic of Ireland = -ROI) (OCTROI) could use this to raise old tax (OCTROI),

22 Flighty, showy type one associates with pride and vanity (PEAFOWL) in Turkey (-FOWL) is behind (= position indicator) short (k) summit (peak) (‘peak’ without ‘k’ = PEA-) (PEAFOWL),

23 Local bitterly disappointed (GUTTED) by one of those from The Upper House (gutter), endlessly (r) (‘gutter’ without ‘r’ = GUTTE-) contacting Department (-D) (GUTTED),

25 Skint from water-skiing (‘skint’ from ‘water-skiing’ = waerig = EARWIG) – that’s a bug (EARWIG),

27 Local (PUB) intros to pop-up book (intros to ‘Pop Up Book’ = PUB),

29 Discovered up (= reverse indicator) in Thermopylae horrified (discovered up in ‘thermopyLAE Horrified’ = laeh = HEAL) by remedy (HEAL),

30 One of those flighty types taking a turn (ROTOR on a helicopter) in order to dine out? (‘in order to’ ‘dine’ out/without ‘dine’ = orrto = ROTOR),

31 Make shipshape (TIDY) as admiralty ignores alarm (‘admiralty’ ignores ‘alarm’ = dity = TIDY),

34 Study in great detail (EXHAUST) divorcee (EX-) from America (-US-) in Panama, for example (Panama hat = -HA-T) (EXHAUST),

35 Cook (= anagram indicator) snoops (snoops = SPONSO-) on top restaurant (top ‘Restaurant = -R) (SPONSOR) patron (SPONSOR),

36 Timber (-PINE-) for 100 (Roman 100 = -C-) taken in by Old Bob? (‘old bob’ = shilling = S--HILLING) (SPINE-CHILLING) That’s scary! (SPINE-CHILLING).


2 Leader picked (leader ‘Picked’ = P-) hammer (= anagram indicator), sickle (sickle = -ICKLES) (PICKLES) with lots of relish! (PICKLES),

3 One linked to Fingers? (NAIL) Backing (= reverse indicator) little better than banks! (‘LIttle better thAN’ banks = lian = NAIL),

4 On foot (INSTEP) of setting up (= reverse indicator) English (-E-) tenor (-T-) taken by police force (Police Service of Northern Ireland  = PSNI = INS-P) (INSTEP),

5 Get ready for better production (GEAR UP) of Prague (Prague) play (= anagram indicator) (Prague = GEAR UP),

6 Extremes of earth-shattering philosophy from Husserl, (extremes of ‘EArth-shattering philosophy from husseRL’ = EARL) a noble sort? (EARL)

7 Useless type (NO-HOPER) of phone or (phone or) mobile? (= anagram indicator) (phone or = NO-HOPER),

8 Jenny (SPINNING WHEEL) is working in public relations (SPINNING) for scoundrel (-HEEL) chasing (= position indicator) women (W-) (SPINNING WHEEL),

9 Exercising in gym (SPINNING) with a (A) young adult (YA-) running down both sides (‘Running dowN’ both sides = -RN) (SPINNING A YARN) stretching the truth presumably (SPINNING A YARN),

14 Eject local (‘eject’ locally = TURF OUT) grass (TURF) losing the head (l) with yob (lout) (‘lout’ without ‘l’ = OUT) (TURF OUT),

16 The one who must be paid (pay the PIPER) for getting Penny (-P-) into the dock (pier = PI-ER) (PIPER),

18 Dash (ÉCLAT) of upsetting (= reverse indicator) white substance (talc = -CLAT) linked to drug (E-) (ECLAT),

20 Showed the away (LED) around (= reverse indicator) what’s in Philadelphia (what’s in ‘philaDELphia’ = del = LED),

21 Open a tab (OWE) for some miracle workers (some ‘miraclE WOrkers’ = ewo) doing a turn (= reverse indicator) (ewo = OWE),

24 Sells Earl and Lady Grey (TEA SHOP) drinks (TEA S-) for short trip (-HOP) (TEA SHOP),

26 Women (W-) getting high (-H-) on Tunis (Tunis) mixture (= anagram indicator) (Tunis = -ITSUN) (WHITSUN) for holy festival (WHITSUN),

27 Ned is not part of deception (‘Ned’ is not part of ‘deception’ = ceptio = POETIC) – and there’s a kind of justice in that (POETIC justice),

28 A small little plant (BONSAI) that’s good for the nice people (Nice/French ‘good’ = BON-) from South Africa (-SA-) to get in first (‘In’ first = -I) (BONSAI),

32 Hates leaving sunbather (‘hates’ leaving ‘sunbather’ = unbr = BURN) to soak up too much of the sun (BURN),

33 Sampling (POLL) of what’s served up in phyllo pastry? (what’s served up in ‘phyLLO Pastry’  = llop = POLL).