Crosaire No 17439 by Crossheir – Saturday, December 5th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Doesn’t admit visitors (STAFF ENTRANCE), as that would be the approach the working men would take (STAFF ENTRANCE),

10 Head of cauliflower (head of ‘Cauliflower’ on top = -C-) in potato (TOP-OAT) soup (= anagram indicator) (TOPCOAT) – that should keep you warm in winter (TOPCOAT),

11 Sinatra, Martin & Co’s gang (the “Rat Pack”) slightly mixed up (“Rat Pack” = PACK RAT) by an American collector? (PACK RAT),

12 Garner from Roof Garden (‘garner’ from ‘roof garden’ = oofd = FOOD) produces all you need to sustain yourself (FOOD),


13 Those employed by the manager (STAFF) on all sides today (STAFF on all sides of today’s grid),

15 Local criticism (local ‘criticism’ = BEEF) of honey producer (BEE-) getting fine (= -F) (BEEF),

17 Content of caramel-free (content of ‘caramEL-Free’ = ELF) spirit (ELF),

19 Nothing (O-) short (d) of odd (‘odd’ without ‘d’ = -OD-) to the Spanish (‘the’ Spanish = el) returning (= reverse indicator) (el = -LE-) to school (-S) (OODLES) in large numbers (OODLES)

21 A rise (‘a rise’ = ‘arise’ = COME UP) for Frenchman (-M-) in fixing (= anagram indicator) coupé (coupe = CO-E UP) (COME UP),

22 The leads from She Knows Y’Know (the leads from ‘She Knows Y’know’ = SKY) down in the dumps (BLUE) (SKY BLUE) in heavenly colour (SKY BLUE),

23 It’s key (music key F-) to Yeti’s (Yetis) movement (= anagram indicator) (Yetis = -EISTY) (FEISTY) that’s easily excitable (FEISTY),

25 Nutcase (PSYCHO) begins post seminary year (starts ‘Post Seminary Year’ = PSY-) at church (-CH-) order (-O) (PSYCHO),

27 Sample of House Music (sample of ‘housE MUsic’ = EMU) produced by fast-moving Australian bird (EMU),

29 Religious group (CULT) set-up (= reverse indicator) in Montluçon (in ‘montluçon’ = tluç = CULT),

30 Refuse (refuse/garbage = TRASH) first treatment (first ‘Treatment’ = T-) for reaction to poison ivy (-RASH) (TRASH).

31 Characters in Polaroid (characters in ‘poLAROid’ = laro) falling over (= reverse indicator) (laro = ORAL), in a manner of speaking (ORAL),

34 Beastly type (RACCOON) chews (= anagram indicator) acorn (acorn = RAC- ON) that’s firm (company = -CO-) in the middle (RACCOON),

35 The divisive doctrine (DUALISM) of the French (‘of the’ French = DU-) gangster (Al Capone = -AL-) is (-IS-) initially manageable (initially ‘Manageable’ = -M) (DUALISM),

36 Mace (STAFF OF OFFICE) workers (STAFF) from old French (Old French = OF) branch (OFFICE) (STAFF OF OFFICE).


2 A fair amount of (half) 5 down (half of ‘TIP-off’ = TIP-) found on 3 down (-TOE- found on ‘foot’) close to Wexford (close/end to ‘wexforD’ = -D) (TIPTOED) made moves in secret (TIPTOED),

3 Soft option to ignore points (‘soft option’ to ignore ‘points’ = ofto = FOOT) produced by one of those down at heel (FOOT),

4 Holding (ESTATE) the last bronze (the last ‘bronzE’ = E-) turkey (Turkey = -STATE) (ESTATE),

5 Slight argument (tiff = TI--FF) over flower (River Po = -P-O-) (TIP-OFF) information that’s preferential (TIP-OFF),

6 Bends (ARCS), in a roundabout way (= reverse indicator), to what’s concealed by Thomas Crammer (concealed by ‘thomaS CRAmmer’ = scra = ARCS),

7 Head Office (head ‘Office’ = -O-) finds retweet (-RT-), for example (e.g. = -EG-), in Clare (CE = C-E) (CORTEGE) produced by those going after leader (CORTEGE),

8 Garda’s (OFFICERS) baton (STAFF) – the first (= position indicator) (STAFF OFFICERS) produced by those in barracks working for a general employer (STAFF OFFICERS),

9 Club (club/stick = STAFF) issues (PROBLEMS) (STAFF PROBLEMS) such like, when the strikers are not doing their job? (STAFF PROBLEMS),

14 State (ALABAMA) of teetotaller (AA = A-A) entertaining the foreign (‘the’ = -LA-) graduate (-BA-) at the end of term (end of ‘terM’ = -M) (ALABAMA),

16 It’s stuffed into grapes? Tomato (it’s stuffed into ‘graPES TOmato’ = PESTO) sauce! (PESTO),

18 Spy (spy) adaptation (= anagram indicator) (spy = P-SY) about leads from Ocean’s Eleven (leads from ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ = -OE-) (POESY) written in an old-fashioned rhyming format (POESY),

20 Opening 22 across (opening ‘sky blue’ = SKY) in South (S-) Kerry? (-KY) (SKY),

21 Chalice (CUP) held up (= reverse indicator) by Capuchins (held up by ‘caPUChins’ = puc = CUP),

24 In a bad way (ILL-) going into top (‘Into’ top = - I-) court (CT = C-T) over one (-I-) (ILLICIT) criminal (ILLICIT),

26 Queen (queen / CARD-) opens in American coliseum (opens ‘In American Coliseum’ = -IAC) (CARDIAC) with Achy Breaky Heart? (CARDIAC),

27 Sea holly (ERYNGO) found around Eiffel Tower (found around ‘Eiffel toweR’ = ER-) with unknown quantity (-Y-) of new (-N-) heads? Get one! (heads ‘Get One’ = -GO) (ERYNGO),

28 Familiar with (USED TO) ousted (ousted) boss (= anagram indicator) (ousted = USED TO),

32 Retractable (= reverse indicator) sides of folding door (sides of ‘FOlding doOR’ = foor = ROOF) is on the house (ROOF),

33 Part of the body (CALF) producing some chemical formula (some ‘chemiCAL Formula’ = CALF).