Academy award winner with the gift of the gab

I get up quite early during the week. I'd never sleep past half past two, and sometimes I'd be up at 2 p.m

I get up quite early during the week. I'd never sleep past half past two, and sometimes I'd be up at 2 p.m. I'm only 13-and-a-half, so I still need quite a bit of sleep. So I get up at about two and swan down to the TG4 canteen some time around quarter to three for my breakfast. The food in TG4 canteen wouldn't be great now, but they do make a special effort for Hi·da∅.

I'd swan into the studio probably around 3.30 p.m. and basically I use my charm, my wit and good looks to entertain the young people of the nation every day until 6 p.m.

I get on very well with our two presenters this year, S∅le and Treasa, but they know who the star of the show is. Having said that, they're both very talented, very good-looking - even allowing for the fact they're from Connemara. Yes, they're surprisingly talented.

After that I usually swan back to the canteen and anything that happens after six is strictly private, but it doesn't involve snogging because I'm only 13-and-a-half. I'm only allowed to say that I live "very near" TG4.


Five years ago, when TG4 were starting off, they knew they needed a huge star to launch the station, so they had no choice but to come to me and for the last five years, I have been more or less - with little bits of help here and there - keeping the station on the air on my own.

I find it very easy being something of a children's ambassador for the Irish language as my first language is Irish, but my English isn't bad either.

Hi·da∅ gets hundreds of calls every day from people all over the country and the Irish isn't a problem. I would say that sometimes on the programme we get calls from people whose Irish isn't too good, but that wouldn't be a problem, as we take calls from everywhere, even from Connemara. Using English isn't an issue at all.

The secret to my success, like any TV personality, has to be good looks. And obviously after that comes wit, charm, intelligence and being a bit of a hit with the ladies, all of those things. Anything you can think of, I have it, and modesty as well.

The advice I would give to others who want to break into television like me is that they should keep improving their good looks, always remain modest and never copy Pat Kenny.

I haven't really felt any increase in my fame recently as a result of the award for best television presenter because I always knew I was the best in the country and it was just a little bit of extra recognition.

I always knew I was a huge TV star and that TG4 would be nothing without me. The only thing it helped me in was in negotiations looking for extra money, that's all. I'm hoping that my pay will go up to almost £1 now. I'm getting about 50 pence at the moment.

I do get offers everyday from different television channels, but I'm going to stay with TG4 for another couple of years at least - as long as my wages keep going up.

As for the movies, maybe not.

I did release a couple of singles, but I was unlucky with them. I'm still hoping for the big hit, though. Maybe not this Christmas, but soon.

In conversation with John Cradden