All possible interpretations of the word seem to be contained in Aeon, Wayne McGregor's new work for Random Dance Company at …

All possible interpretations of the word seem to be contained in Aeon, Wayne McGregor's new work for Random Dance Company at the Firkin Crane: the graphic animation from Timo Arnall and lighting design from Lucy Carter illuminate filmed images of fusion and formlessness as its context. Tantalising in their momentary coherence, harmless as an amoeba or threatening as an anaconda, these sepia forms melt through the fabric of a split vertical screen until eventually their virtual reality coagulates into an actual dancer and emanation takes physical shape.

It's what he does with these shapes which distinguishes McGregor's choreography; although he does not avoid the rule of modern dance which insists that the body beautiful look as ugly as possible, much of the time he does achieve a reluctant lyricism here. His dancers are acrobatic, their energy kinetic and compelling, but their movement is always under control and conscious of design. Music by Zoviet-France for the closing sequence is courtesy of the sound-track from Tous les matins du monde and is the work of Marin Marais.

Mary Leland

Mary Leland is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in culture