All the rage

Weather rage: What is it? Ah, what could be better? Sunshine, a cloudless sky, a gentle summer breeze wafting through your bedroom…

Weather rage: What is it? Ah, what could be better? Sunshine, a cloudless sky, a gentle summer breeze wafting through your bedroom window.

This balmy weather is so easy to dress for, you say to yourself. You pick that light suit out of the wardrobe - the linen one that makes you look like the man from Delmonte - and watch approvingly as your partner dons a strappy vest and slingbacks. Jackets?

Who needs jackets? You decide to leave the car at home and walk to work. But half-way there, the sky blackens and an icy wind whips up your trouser leg. Something is amiss. Suddenly it's raining, big fat drops of water are darkening your lovely light suit. How come everyone else suddenly has umbrellas? What possessed you to wear knee-length linen shorts? Has your partner never heard of waterproof mascara? Clearly not.

The symptoms? After being caught out three times this week in every class of weather you decide to opt for a dress code that has more layers than your average celebrity wedding cake. Depending on whether the sun is shining, the wind is blowing or hailstones are hailstoning you can add or remove the luminous waterproofs/cosy jumper/ short-sleeved shirt/thermal vest/sun-hat. The man from Delmonte? You look more like the Michelin Man.


The cure? Inform the boss that as long as this "can't-make-up-its-mind-weather" continues you are working from your sitting- room where there is no risk of sudden showers or freak winds. Of course he may respond by suggesting it might better for you to emigrate to sunnier climes. But if he agrees you'll be home - and more importantly - dry.

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