All the Web's a stage

Worried that the plays you really want to see at the Dublin Theatre Festival are almost sold-out? As well as providing comprehensive…

Worried that the plays you really want to see at the Dublin Theatre Festival are almost sold-out? As well as providing comprehensive programme, event, artist and venue details, the easy-to-use website shows availability: red means sold-out, yellow is for selling well, and green means tickets are available. Buy your tickets online at

Check out the theatre, dance and visual arts events at the Dublin Fringe Festival's stylish website, which has a limited number of seats available to buy online. Search the website by date, venue or show and, to receive future information, join the e-mail list at

For the latest news and reviews on shows in London's West End, from the Puppetry of the Penis to Jeffrey Archer's The Accused - plus online booking for events up to April 2001, trawl through the lively and extensive West End Theatre Guide. At

Searching for a rare play? The Internet Theatre Bookshop claims to offer virtually every play currently published in English - and several thousand out-of-print plays. It also offers books on stagecraft: everything from make-up to stage fighting. Shop online at


Described by the New York Post as a boon to any New York theatre-goer, the well-organised, non-profit website, lists plays and musicals on and off Broadway. With news, reviews, future attractions, children's recommendations, and online booking, it's a must for anyone planning a New York trip. At