The best art exhibitions of the week

Shows by Moss Gaynor, Paula Pohli, Orla de Brí, Anna Maye, Eva Mulchrone, Rosa Mäkelä

Paula Pohli, Exhibition for a Good Man

Material World: Moss Gaynor
Bourn Vincent Gallery, University of Limerick. Until April 17th
Gaynor, a past student at UL, makes sculptural objects that combine found fragments of functional objects with carefully machined additions, making up composite pieces that appear as if they have somehow evolved independently. Although they have a purposeful look to them, that purpose is not apparent to our eyes, though they are aesthetically pleasing.

The Future is Clean and Round: Eva Mulchrone and Rosa Mäkelä
126 Artist-Run Gallery, Galway. Until March 14th
Eva Mulchrone has her eye on social mobility patterns in the present-day UK, with a consideration of the distance between it and Europe, in Eton Mess and About Time for a Vigil, plus video works, Game on Agbadja and Departures. Rosa Mäkelä, meanwhile, working with performance, film, installation and sound, explores the emotional impact of growing up with the uncertainty of the climate crisis.

Bound: Orla de Brí
Solomon Fine Art, Dublin. Until March 28th
Orla de Brí's allegorical figures have a playful quality, but they are animated by underlying ideas about gender, the feminine, relationships and co-operation, and patterns of thought and feeling. De Brí likes vivid imagery – the head as a ball of twine – and elegant, polished forms.

Exhibition for a Good Man: Paula Pohli
Irish Architectural Archive, Dublin. Until March 13th
Pohli, best known as a specialist in linocut, and an exacting technician, here shows egg tempera paintings and tempera brush drawings together with a concise survey of her older linocuts.


Evanescence: Anna Maye
Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, Co Wicklow. Until March 27th
Maye is interested in the instability of things and the inexorable measure of time. She works with a delicate, fugitive, soluble, sugar-based material to create installations that are at once rich and fragile, generously blossoming but only tenuously, contingently present.