Bernadette Greevy (mezzo-soprano), Jimmy Vaughan (piano)

THERE are singers for whom the words are a vehicle for the voice, others for whom the voice is a vehicle for the words

THERE are singers for whom the words are a vehicle for the voice, others for whom the voice is a vehicle for the words. Bernadette Greevy is a singer of the first kind and one can sit hack and enjoy the songs as instrumental solos.

Whether the language be Italian, German, Spanish, French or English is not important, Greevy's rich voice and stately delivery transforms the material into something very much her own. A Handel aria is kin to a Melody by Thomas Moore and Brahms's Gipsy Songs are companions of the Canciones Negras of Montsalvatge.

As well as the above composers her recital in the NCH on Saturday included Gluck, Schubert, Thomas, Bizet and Saint Saens. Bizet's Habanera from Carmen was especially appreciated by the audience. What one might call the local colour of each song was supplied by Jimmy Vaughan at the piano, playing with exquisite tact and sympathy.