Bio buzzwords

Biobanking: the storing of biological material (blood, DNA, tissue, biopsy specimens) in non-profit or commercial biobanks for…

Biobanking:the storing of biological material (blood, DNA, tissue, biopsy specimens) in non-profit or commercial biobanks for the ends of scientific research.

Stem-cell research:the use of the primordial cells of a human organism for medical research.

Embryonic stem-cell research:The use of stem cells derived from early human embryos for medical research.

Genetic screening:The analysis of embryonic cells to check for genetic diseases - often with a view to continuing/discontinuing pregnancy.


Saviour siblings:Babies born after genetic screening for the express reason of providing stem cells to help a seriously ill brother/sister.

Assisted suicide:The deliberate hastening of death by a terminally ill person with the assistance of a doctor, family member or other individual.

Euthanasia:The practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition.