Ode to Palestine

A poem by Odessa Yip, age 17, Cork City

A Palestinian boy walks down the stairs of a destroyed building following an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, in the southern of Gaza Strip, in October 2023. Photograph: Said Khatib/AFP/Getty
Maybe somewhere

Hidden behind the bombs

And rockets

They drop

There is a heaven,

A prolonged moment

Of a boy’s life

Where there is only peace

And an armful of toys,

Where there is no need

To know bloodshed and bodies

Under thick slates of rubble,

A place where you can laugh with your brother

And hit one another in play

Without it being a reminder of the violence that surrounds you,

Where your life isn’t as fragile as the bones you own

And the only worry you have

Is what mom or dad is cooking in the kitchen

The curling smoke, that your nose inhales.

I hope somewhere behind those metal bullets of bludgeoned purpose

There is an aftermath

Fit for the stolen life of a young boy

Who could barely himself understand why he must die.

Hand in hand with his sibling

Not knowing why the light must slip from his eyes

So early

Too early…
Odessa Yip