When Blue Turned Green

An extract from a story by P6, Knockbreda Primary School, Belfast, Co Antrim

It was summertime in the forest and the sun shone through the trees. The trees and the grass were blue except for a special blade of grass, blazing green, called Paul. The sky was pink and the sun was falling out of the sky.

There was a dog called Geoffrey who was on his way to the Spar to get lightbulbs. He was feeling down because he had dropped his favourite lightbulb and it had shattered. As he was walking along, he saw a blade of grass wearing a cowboy hat. He was completely befuddled.

“Hey there, old pal,” said Paul. “I’m looking for a buddy to have a rootin’ tootin’ good time and you look like the perfect pardner.”

“Who are you?!” Geoffrey cried out.


“Well, I’m Paul,” Paul said, swinging his arms and tipping his hat.

“How can you talk?” asked Geoffrey.

“How can YOU talk?” replied Paul.

Geoffrey ignored the question. “I’m on my way to the shop to buy a lightbulb.”

“No way!” said Paul “I also need to buy lightbu’bs, pardner. I want to make the biggest lightbu’b in the world because the sun is falling out of the sky. That’s why the grass has turned blue. I want to save my family...”