Can Anybody Help Me? by Sinéad Crowley

Paperback review

Can Anybody Help Me?
Can Anybody Help Me?
Author: Sinéad Crowley
ISBN-13: 978-1848667860
Publisher: Quercus
Guideline Price: £7.99

Yvonne, a new mum, has just moved to Dublin, where she has no friends or family (other than nosy in-laws). Her husband works all hours. So she enjoys the intimacy offered by other mums on netmammy, an online forum. The mums are in theory anonymous, but they reveal far more of their identities than they realise. When two of them die – one murdered, the other an apparent suicide – it appears all the women could be in danger. I tore through this book. Sinéad Crowley, who is RTÉ’s arts correspondent, has written a fast-paced thriller with believable female characters. Det Sgt Claire Boyle is a joy as a pregnant cop who’s far from the typically narcissistic mother-to-be. Crowley’s depiction of motherhood is spot on: she shows the relentless grind but also the bliss. I didn’t quite buy the ending, but I didn’t mind, as the writing is so enjoyable.