This book charts why we women, over our trek from monkey to human, developed curves, the only female mammals to do so; enhanced pelvises for delivering big-headed human babies, roundy bottoms for storing fat to enable breast-feeding, breasts to deliver milk to our uniquely dependent offspring. Some reviewers aren’t happy with Bainbridge’s assertion that women with great curves and “perfect pins” get the best mates, the highest social dominance and the most fun. What?! Bainbridge, a vet and a Cambridge professor, admits it’s daunting to admit we are still so, eh, animal, but “evolution is not feminist”. Sadly, neither is the advertising industry. We got curvy to enable gestation, delivery and care for human babies with huge brains; time to use our big brains to stop the tyranny of imagery and get real? Powerful stuff.
Curvology by David Bainbridge review