Donald Trump’s metaphoric rise

A brief history of incidents surrounding the US presidential election and inauguration

Donald Trump: hot wind howls through a hollow log/ tawny tumbledweed trundles/ over downtrodden plains Photograph: Damon Winter/The New York Times


hot wind howls through a hollow log
tawny tumbleweed trundles
over downtrodden plains
August 2016


on a sunlit lawn
a plump slug streaks forward
eyes on stalks
September 2016

A new religion

branches bowed with bloated fruit
nod to the gilded idol
dark clouds fall in behind
October 2016


a squat lizard basks
on a sickle-hacked trail
black legs flail from his lips
November 2016


In the bay

beacon dimmed and tablet fractured
the lady endures
her robes about her feet
December 2016

Paradox lost

a fiery sunrise
heralds stormy days to come
ice shifts at the poles
January 2017

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